Friday, May 16, 2008

Future Schmucks

"the power to ...doom ... manufacturers to the scrapyard"

Quote of the Day II
"It is unusual for a single individual to hold the fate of an entire industry in his hand -- but that will be the case for the next president of the United States. He or she will have the power to enact unbearably strict fuel economy standards on the cars and trucks sold in half the country. By so doing, he could render vast swaths of the current car and truck lineup obsolete and doom their manufacturers to the scrapyard" -- Fortune Magazine's Alex Taylor III, on whether the next president will allow California and several other states to impose their own stringent CO2 emissions standards on automakers.
Oh Lord, I just realized that I feel less dread at the prospect of a military coup than I do the 2009 federal gummint.  Wow. 


Anonymous said...

Jackie Mason, the Ultimate Jew, has a few words for Barry. This picture makes a good backdrop. But is it Wright, or America, blowing up?

Anonymous said...

Correction, here is Jackie, great actor/comedian.

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