Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going Postal

Going Postal
What gummint does

The The New York Review of Magazines, a Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism venture, which is to say an uber-liberal cog in the evil-empire machine, notes that " Our lack [money] meant that we couldn’t afford to print NYRM on recycled paper" (They refuse paid advertising)   In GOING POSTAL. Time-Warner, another uber-liberal cog, is blamed for engineering postal increases that effectively destroy micro publishers.  Well of course that would be too bad, because all of the magazines I enjoy fall into that category. but that's what gummint does to any business that allows itself, or is forced to rely on that institution. 

My quick response is that the private sector will notice this vacuum, and will soon be delivering the mags at lower cost and with greater efficiency.  But wait.  I also remembered, from a few years back, that the gummint stepped on Fed Ex and UPS pretty hard for violating federal law and delivering mail in competition with the USPS.  I don't know how that resolved itself, but I'll bet a large ransom was involved.  Anyway, this ain't nothing compared to what's been happening, and will continue to happen with renewed vigor, to health care.  Thank the evil empire. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'micro publishers' -- IOW nobody gives a shit what you think. Take a hint, folks. "doesn't accept paid advertising" translates into "no sane company will associate with us." THIS is why liberals hate capitalism. They have to convince others to freely give them their money, they can't simply steal it.

"micro publishers" are to real publishers as virgins are to porn stars.

I'm reminded by the scene from Conspiracy Theory where Jonas turns out to be one of five subscribers to Jerry's newsletter...

can't. stop. laughing!

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