Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here Illegally

blogs 4 borders blogburst
Quite Compelling, trust me

Blogs For Borders


Anonymous said...

Great job of reporting some scary and rage inducing stuff.

Anonymous said...

Good to see this here. It needs to be passed along to every conservative blog and e-mailed to everyone we know. Fuck these filthy illegal bastards. Out of my country you fucking beaners, NOW!

Anonymous said...

I suggest placing giant cardboard stills of this chick all along the border.

That would scare the beaners off for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ironic twist for ya...

I work just outside Guadalupe, Az.
Two nights ago, Mayor Rebecca Jimenez (mentioned in the video) was arrested for DUI and driving without headlights.

Also; while Mayor Jimenez makes the comment that Guadalupe wants less crime its funny to note that the town of Guadalupe has no police force of its own. It contracts with the local Maricopa County Sheriffs office for police coverage. The SAME Sheriff (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) that she wants to stop arresting illegals!!

Double-whammy!! - The town of Guadalupe is in arrears to the Maricopa County Sheriffs office for police coverage to the tune of roughly $600,000. Sheriff Joe Arpaio states that as of June 1st, his deputies will no longer answer calls in Guadalupe. ...but they will continue the round-up of illegals!!

Anonymous said...

Aside from u-tube where are these videos produced?? Anyone know the originating website?? JimB

Anonymous said...

Hey anon...try:..

Juice said...

Just got around to seeing this. Thanks much. I'll keep a watch at youtube for more.

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