Thursday, May 01, 2008

Honk if you love Hussein

Take a cab, Donks

"Simply amazing your guts don't fall out" - Rastus

Just when all of us, even Alear and Rushbo, are getting nervous about Operation Chaos having been too successful, by killing Obama's chances outright, and handing the nomination to Her Filthiness, we read that "Majority of House and Senate Backs Obama, " and that a former Clinton DNC chairman has joined the rush to Obama.  Horry Clap!  Not only is Obama's base thinner than orphanage soup, polls indicate that while 80% of Obama's followers would support Hillary, if she's the candidate, only 60% of Hillary's would vote for Obama. What's gong on, IMO, is Democrats, fatally bound up in racial politics, are scared to death of a blacklash if Obama is denied, even to the point of committing suicide.  I dunno, even with a puke like McCain as an opponent, Obama has all the makings of a Black George McGovern, but not so popular.


Anonymous said...

That's why I coined the term "blacklash". It hasn't caught on.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"Blacklash", now that's funny.

Anonymous said...

"AHMAD...Will you get your ass in the cab?"..........."Uh..That's where I am gettin the cab."

Anonymous said...

Heh, I hope there's no blacklash over me getting top billing over Rush. Tho I'm getting used to it :)

I'm just so convinced that Barry would be a bigger pushover in November than Kucinich. I do love this election season, it's so much fun.

And yet, my fears remain about the Pig in a Pants Suit: Something wicked this way comes.

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