scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
And thanks to your visual image including the Queen of Hearts:
"Off with their heads."
Should be McCain's campaign slogan.
Now yer catchin' on.
I think it's all real...Too real..It only reinforces my sad belief that the majority of the citizens of this country are complete morons.As the population becomes younger, we have a greater proportion of the total that are the products of the last...almost 50 years of indoctr..er, education fiascos the results of which will become more grim with each new crop.The Left doesn't get them all, but they don't have to. They will inevitably gain and stay in control because they learned half a century ago that they must be masters in the fields of education,media,and the courts.....Well I'm a natural born pessimist who would still like to hope that he's wrong.But..I'm afraid I'm right...Hell, that's what makes a real staunch pessimist,isn't it?
The MSM picked every single candidate 2 years in advance, taking a cue from Hillary, who formally got started about then.
They looked through the names being bandied about, picked their favorites, and lauded them to the skies while imposing a virtual blackout on the rest. A dinnertime belch from McCain rated fawning headlines, but a policy paper from Hunter rated nothing.
Now that McCain has the GOP nomination, he's being ignored in favor of praise and omissions for Obama and admonitions to Hillary to be less racist, i.e. quit criticizing Obama and go make cookies.
We are SO screwed.
McCain's Eco Friendly items
oy vey ole'
I'm just glad somebody besides me is as bewildered as I I'm.
Bewildered, depressed and more than a little pissed off here, boss.
JMcD fraid you are correct and I shiver at the thought of what the future will reveal. The smart money would seek shelter in some other developing democracy and use the lefts pattern to insure a conservative future for that country. Or just wait here for the revolution.