scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Let's pray for the best
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Juice said...
Let's pray for the best.
Very open ended. I like it. -
5/17/08, 2:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok now, lessee.Regarding Ted's seizure mishap, just WHAT was he trying to seize?...Young lady?..Liquor jug?..Fried suet & bacon sandwich..What?......Also there was something said about a gaggle of newspeople...Are they over the gagging?..Were they provided any anti-nausea medication?..Perhaps some ginger ale?..Let's all hope for their rapid recovery..I mean Jeez, can't we take care of media folks in Massachusets?..Cripes!
5/17/08, 3:23 PM
- Juice said...
JMcD~ quiet day at C&S, but that does not diminish your insightful comments. I, too, saw Ted Turner, but thought it might be Rodge so held my comments. ;P
Thanks for the Teddy Boy observe. Very humorous, as always. :)
The man must make amends with his maker. -
5/17/08, 6:22 PM
Anonymous said...
People upon whom I would wish a long, painful, lingering debilitation culminating with ignominious and agonizing death are the monsters who bring sorrow and suffering and slaughter to people, including their neighbors as well as their own countrymen, men such as Hitler, Mengele, Stalin, Idi Amin, Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein.
I wish no such chronic and dehumanizing condition or illness upon Kennedy, despite my level of contempt for his values and habits. If his time is up, he can go peacefully in his sleep, or quickly through an coronary, or instantly, in an accident.
Today politicians, especially Clinton and Obama, are tripping over themselves to extol his devotion to family, his country, his party. O.K. Fine. But before the epitaph is complete, before he is nominated for sainthood, before somebody recommends him for some posthumous award for service to his nation and his principles, let’s add a few words, such as womanizer, coward, plagiarizer, cheater, and killer.
I have never seen him accept any responsibility for Kopechne’s death or his complete lack of ethics while in school or the unpleasant example of lecherous behavior he presented to the younger men in his clan. For me to judge his service to America is illogical because I disagree with the majority of his views on education, crime and punishment, foreign affairs, health care, and many other crucial issues. History might indeed prove him right on many of his opinions . . . I really don’t know.
But the sum of his behavior is a mixed bag, and to laud him in the same vein with a Washington or Jefferson or Lincoln or Reagan is false, misleading, and hypocritical at the highest levels.
If he must go, let it be merciful; I would say the same for a police dog or a good horse. But let’s not get carried away and make an unqualified saintly hero of a terribly flawed individual with a poison tongue, a checkered past, and a closed mind. -
5/17/08, 6:43 PM
- ricpic said...
No, I don't wish him ill, but as the main force behind passage of the 1964 Immigration Act, Kennedy, more than any other man, is responsible for the deconstruction of the United States from a nation of one people with one ethos to little more than a collection of populations: an act of massive villainy.
5/17/08, 8:04 PM
Anonymous said...
I neither wish nor hope for anything negative regarding Ted.....I just like the opportunity to project my dislike for the as*hole.He exceeds all normal boundaries of being a self-absorbed, pompous, arrogant, egotistical, pretentious, insolent bastard. Besides that, I don't like him.
5/17/08, 8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I'd wager that he goes out like his old man... drooling and shitting himself. Then again, one can never account for the judgment of a merciful God.
Casca -
5/17/08, 9:37 PM
Anonymous said...
A wise man once said, 'paraphrase' "I have never killed a man, but I have enjoyed many obituaries.
Tim -
5/17/08, 11:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Prayer circle?
Don't you have to have more than one person to form a circle. Maybe you meant "prayer quantum singularity." -
5/17/08, 11:25 PM
- Juice said...
His fate rests not upon your's or mine graces. The man was a cow and as and Irish Catholic, his politics betrayed his faith (if he had any left), so let it be stated again as I did earlier, "Let the man make amends before his Maker." Choosing to be an abortionist for the votes to maintain his status quo, he is in the hands of our Lord.
But...Thank you Casca, and Tim. Thou outspoken honest souls. -
5/17/08, 11:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Regardless of the length of his remaining timeline in this world or the circumstances of its end, I pray he never, ever comes back to the U.S. Senate.
He has not only been a womanizer, a coward, a plagiarizer, a cheater, and a killer, but also a traitor. A KGB letter written in 1983, at the height of the Cold War, shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.
For this and his abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to cover his political and marital ass, we deserve to have a Senate finally free of this filthy POS. I don't give a damn how or when he dies; I just want him out of the Senate. If he suffers, if he is condemned by history, well, that's icing on the cake. And if I'm lucky enough to outlive him, I will make a special trip to piss on his grave. That would even be worth getting arrested for.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/18/08, 12:01 AM
- Thud said...
tailgunner dick...a worthy ambition...I'll drive you to keep your promise.
5/18/08, 6:38 AM
Anonymous said...
Why thank you Thud. Bring a few more and we can have a circle piss.
Only place I wouldn't do that is if they bury the bastard with his brothers in Arlington. That place is holy ground, and sadly, I'm sure his lionizers will do their best to put him there.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/18/08, 10:34 AM
Anonymous said...
If TG Dick and Thud swing by and pick me up, I'll buy the beer and pitch in for gas.
Tim -
5/18/08, 11:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Some of you my not wish that bastard any harm, but I for one wish him all the ill the world has to offer - God willing. He deserves no less.
Tailgunner, Thud and Tim's roadtrip may well end up turning into a movement (so to speak).
GrinfilledCelt -
5/18/08, 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
By golly there's an action plan brewing here. Tim's gonna fuel the vehicle and the pissers.
5/18/08, 3:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Another quote I remember (but not who) "I hear he's in the hospital. I hope it's nothing trivial."
Tim -
5/18/08, 5:13 PM
- Thud said...
the million man piss circle..well maybe a dozen or two...I'm drinking in preparation.
5/18/08, 6:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm with GFC, I hope he has a horrible and painful end, screaming in agony.
If there is a God in heaven, Mary Jo has strong fingers and is pinching this traitor's tubes.
I wouldn't piss on his head if his hair was on fire-good riddance
MM -
5/18/08, 7:03 PM