Friday, May 23, 2008

Savage on Kennedy

Michael Savage
Media Matters Loved it!


Anonymous said...

There's no need to gloat. Just let him die in peace.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Did you watch it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for postng this. The Savage take on Kennedy's brain tumor was a breath of fresh air. He was the only national commentator who in my opinion got it right. He did not take joy in Kennedy's illness but did not jump on the bandwagon to lionize the so called national treasure. He pointed out that Kennedy was and is the icon for failed Liberal Policies.

GrinfilledCelt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"There's no need to gloat." Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I just can't make myself feel bad about my delight in this news.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I watched it.

Celebrating and gloating over the impending death of an American politician is something the Code Pinkers and Daily Kos Kids would do. You expect that kind of stuff from the libs.

But we conservatives are above that. We are the ones w/ the moral high ground. We should stay there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck,
How is that staying above the fray on the moral high ground working out for the Conservative agenda? I say get in the middle of it and sucker punch the bastards.

Anonymous said...

John Donne wrote that, "No man is an island. Each is a part of the main." If so, Ted is where the shithouse stood for years. He is a man of despicable character, and to all appearances devoid of a single virtue. Like the sign says, "Everyone brings pleasure here, some when they arrive, and others when they leave." He shall not be missed.


Anonymous said...


You're asking the wrong question. The question you should be asking is "Why don't we have any winning conservative leaders on the national level?"

The average American man or woman is moral, decent, and hard-working. Those are "our" people. We should be winning those people by default. We aren't.

We are losing them because we are ceding the battle over morality, decency, and industriousness to the libs. We don't have our own house in order.

It only makes our position worse when we make fun of some one dying of brain cancer.

Your pal,

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Lighten up Chuck. I've already mentioned my aversion to gloating over the dead, but he's not dead, and lobbying to get the job for his wife. I didn't find this all that offensive, so screw it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I've been thinking about this. It is my form belief that Edward Kennedy did more damage to this country than did Adolph Hitler. Would I worry about Hitler? Hell no. I'll piss on his grave.

Anonymous said...

Kennedy is both the problem itself and a symptom of the problem. To explain:
1) The problem: His extreme liberal policies have harmed America. He works against fiscal and personal responsibility and freedom, and seeks a socialist government for his own benefit and the furthering of his own power.
2) The Symptom: Kennedy's socialism hasn't happened in a vacuum. He arrives at his authority through the votes of millions of people who support his positions and give him their vote.

I feel pity for the man on a personal level, and his family but I am not sorry for his impending death; America will be better for his passing.

Kennedy's actions have done more long-term harm to America than the Communists or the Nazi could have ever hoped for. Back then, the enemy was foreign and their goals were instinctively rejected by the majority of the American people. That is not the case any longer. Socialism has taken root. Now the enemy is not only inside the gates, but asserting its influence upon others.

Let me be blunt. I'll be glad to see him go. No tears shed in this corner. If that makes me a bad person, tough shit. I'm sick of seeing my country circle the drain. Time to quit compromising and start fighting back.

So I say "Hurry up and Die, Kennedy. Get on with it so we can get on with unrolling your legacy."


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