Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Take your pick, dumb as Streisand, or stealth Muslim

I'm not letting go of this
Take your pick, dumb as Streisand, or stealth Muslim

You heard right. 

It is just wonderful to be back in Oregon.  Over the past fifteen months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in ... 57 states? I think, one left to go. One left to go, Alaska and Hawaii I really wanted to go to but was not allowed to go.
 B. Hussein Obama at Oregon Rally

At first listen, you'd think, "This guy is goofier than Barbra Streisand," right?  Stop The ACLU  went further.
As mentioned at the International Humanist and Ethical website (2nd ¶, 1st sentence), and this Wikipedia entry. This sum-up by Stop The ACLU is complete.

So does he think that’s what he’s running for, or what? It’s just interesting that he would make such an interesting faux pas; considering he has three muslim names, his muslim background, his picture in traditional Somali elder dress with a turban on his head, the fact that he claims to be a Christian and nobody is calling for his death as an apostate from Islam, etc.

It looks like the Mountaineers had it right, after all.


Anonymous said...

James Earl Ray, you are forgiven, now please come home, we have a new assignment for you.

Anonymous said...

Why is this being ignored and I mean by US! We need to be stuffing this down the throats of the Left and Right alike.

I've sent it to everyone I can think of.


Anonymous said...

I think this clown is beatable in the election and when he loses he'll have one person to blame...himself....Not McCain, not Hillwitch, not the 'hicks' with guns and bibles, but B. Hussein himself, with of course the worthy assistance of that scank Michelle....If the election had been held just a little while back, he would have had a had'a get out,didn't it.He and his mate and their pastor's unpartriotism and the ever growing perception of his own ignorance.Guess I'm pleased and surprised at many people's reaction to Barry and crew's anti-Americanism as it'll make his defeast more probable....It would no doubt have been close but now I think he will likely fail in his effort to be president....Course now we have to hope that McCain doesn't pull some totally bone-headed move to derail his own run, the outcome of which is STILL not a foregone conclusion.

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