Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two bullets away from a Beatles reunion

Whatever it is, it's no good.

This was parked outside the Botanical Gardens today.  I asked a Capitol Cop what the story was and he just shrugged his shoulders and said we get all kinds.


Since about, oh 100% of anything outside of music Lennon, or especially Yoko's use of his name,  has been associated with is bullshit, I'll assume this is too.  Which means Hill Donks will be all over it. 


Anonymous said...

imagine........ no dems


Anonymous said...

Heck...I don't see no smoke leaking out of it.

Anonymous said...

One of those things on the roof must be an air scrubber.


Juice said...

Rodger, Did you hear the real,live kook who called into Rush the other day? The one who believes John Lennon was killed to avoid the public following his anti-war stance for this current WOT? :D yeah, "There was never a trial. We never did see a trial." Wholly crap, the guy was certifiable. Wish Rush put him up as caller of the day.

Anonymous said...

The John Lennon was killed by the Bushes guy: That is probably the guy that is almost a regular on Dennis Miller's show.
Certifiable, yes indeed.

Timbeaux said...

I used to love the song "Imagine" until one day I stopped to listen to the words. How repulsive.

Anonymous said...

I like this van much better.

righty gomez

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