Illegals, and the bastards who encourage them. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Illegals, and the bastards who encourage them. |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
and you'll see now with the economic crisis in America , all those aliens hovering around the streets with no jobs and boring all day
The insidious plans of the left are now bearing fruit. They have sought to destroy our country by a multi-pronged attack.
Make the very basis of our culture, faith and family, the subject of ridicule by endless pornographic filth in movies, TV, and music. Demanding the very definition of marriage be changed to suit their perverse and abnormal sexual mores
Teaching how to put condoms on bananas in our K-12, teacher's unions dominated public schools
instead of American Exceptionalism, some freaking, real world economic theory and a coherent understanding of Western Ciz. Our schools are turning out millions of students that can not think for them selves.
And their attitudes are reenforced by the far left college academics who run our colleges and the media that spews blame America garbage 24/7.
How else can you explain that when Obama says he wants to raise a "windfall" profit tax on oil companies to LOWER gas prices, he's not laughed off the stage. Or he can say with a straight face that raising the capital gains tax rate won't affect the value of equities.
The coup de' grace is allowing millions of illegals into this country for what ever the GD reason, Dems, Republicans...lord it is the Mona Lisa of idiotic moronity. It is bankrupting our country and our culture. our very way of life is at stake and our leaders are *ucking whistling past the grave yard.
I'll vote for McCain but unlike the dems, who'll stab you in the back, he's going to stab us in the front.
If it wasn't for the Iraqis, who would be left in the mother of all genocides, and all of the brave work of our military has done to free them, to give them a chance-all of that would be flushed down the toilet so the GDCSRB dems could some how lay it out as a Republican defeat, if not for that, I would leave the president spot unvoted.
Even if McCain is elected, taxes are going up, unions will get more power, there won't be any new drilling here in our country-fact is, the dems will even have bigger majorities in Congress. It's a bleak future
MM, you know you're right on with your statements and they went straight to my own heart. Rodger's title is, at very least, satirical (as he knows best). We have been Mexifornia for some time now. I grew up with mostly Mexican decent classmates, but they were every bit Californian as myself. Not so anymore thanks to uncontrolled, illegal entrance into America.
While reading your comment I thought (as I often do) Thank God I'm no longer raising school age children. Thanks to the CTA and liberal judges, we can't even home school our children in CA. THE STATE, wills total control on mind washing yoots. This country is indeed fkd with the crushing blow of the Liberal Fist!
Just look at the lousy lot of contestants offered up for pres this election cycle. The best of our Conservative Republican elected have moved on from politics. Talk about a black president? J.C. Watts comes to mind, in a heart beat. Freaking Obama's color is not his biggest problem...the race baiter.
Great they caved to the threat of violence of vandalism. Great message to the rest of the protesters.
Did everyone with balls move to Arizona already? Arpaio would not only put up the sign, but he would light it, AND post a 24 hour watch!
You can bet your last donut Juice that any criticism of Obama will be refuted by couching said criticism as racist. Obama has already, using Rev Wright and Bill Ayers, begun to preempt conservative criticism. Not only are Black Liberation advocates defending what Wright said(AIDS was developed to kill blacks-CIA imported drugs to kill blacks-democrats began welfare to destroy black families, oh wait, that one did happen), but they cite their own whackos who have written books to prove they are right.