scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
I have shooooze more experienced [and qualified] that O'Possum.
Odd ... while you were posting that, SondraK has an item about his throwing various people under the bus, which caused me to come up with this:
O.K. I now am officially tired of hearing from and about this guy, this junior legislator who’s spent less time in Congress than I’ve spent pressure washing my house, this jerkwad who thinks everything can be explained away by platitudes, homilies, clever examples, and tricky rhetoric. All I’ve seen so far is a been-nowhere, done-nothin, reprogrammable liberal bot that somebody winds up every day and sticks a new chip in and turns loose so it can strut around bumping into things and reciting the party line.
On one hand he expects people to believe that his youth and inexperience caused him to miss the warning signals of Afro-centrism and black-first nationalism spewed for 20 years by his spiritual advisor. In the next breath he lists crusades and civic leadership and legislation battles and public-service work which qualify him to identify and champion what’s best for the people.
Seems to me that one of the most fundamental and valuable traits any man can have in any field, be it military, governmental, political, or religious is plain, simple, unswerving loyalty to his principles and his friends. As the song goes,
“[…] you’ve got to stand for somethin or you’ll fall for anything.
You’ve got to be your own man not a puppet on a string.
Never compromise what’s right and uphold your family name.
You’ve got to stand for somethin or you’ll fall for anything.”
Well, I know what George Bush stands for . . . or at least what he USED to stand for . . . and we knew what Harry Truman stood for, and we knew what Thomas Jefferson stood for, and Ronald Reagan, and Teddy Roosevelt. I just don’t have a clue what Obama stands for or would fight for or believes is crucial to our national security or what’s best for the middle class or who is our enemy and lots of other things.
Apparently his time spent in the Trinity Church was all for image building. Similarly, his association with shady characters such as Rezko and anarchists such as Ayers and black nationalists such as Farrakhan were simply boxtops required by the Chicago machine to flesh out and fortify his rep. What I see is a red-shirt rookie, still in development, at that awkward age where he thinks he knows what the hell is going on.
The more I learn about him, however, the more convinced I am that he is merely a tool, a gadget, a quasi-humanoid hybrid being manipulated by powers he can detect only vaguely, dimly, through filters and baffles designed to phrase complex issues in terms his limited vision can focus on and transmit to his largely empty hard drive for playback on cue.
From this point on I will either change the channel or leave the room when he appears on my TV. Actually, I’ve been doing that for a couple weeks already, but now it’s official. Somebody oughta play that song for him . . . I think it were Aaron Tippin who done it.
Sorry ET, but here is another. Basic math. 143 days is 3432 hours. I retired as an Aircrewman with twice that many hours in the air. And that doesnt include preflight, post flight, and all the other time on the plane. A crusty old Chief once said, "Son, I got more time in the chow line than that".
I had more time on the shitter last week.
Thanks for putting it in those terms. I've got slightly more time (ca. 3800 hours, enlisted aircrew) and I can tell you when we were rolling out on my final flight, I was still learning things about that airplane.
I drunk cheap scotch that has more experience than Barry.
This man has got to be the antichrist or the George Soros's puppet de jour. I don't know whats worse.
Rick, what did you fly?
I was in submarines and my favorite saying is "I've spent more time on the shitter at test depth than he has doing his ~job~"
Ahhh Casca, I always look for your most succinct distillation on every subject.
Casca~ Straight out 0' the laugh factory! A honest LOL moment. :D:D
But, MM said it better than I would have.