scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Pucking frick gives Ohio a bad name.....Who the hell ever thought up calling these asswipes judges?....Wouldn't that title indicate having 'judgement'?
Damn, I assumed you had photoshopped that image. We're going to have to expunge the judiciary wing of gummit by force, I'm afraid. Black robed masters, my ass. I'm sick of it.
Tonto G.
He's Obama's personal pole smoker.
No. That would be Larry Sinclair.
Lorain is a collar county of Cleveland, and a hotbed of organized crime and blight.
Trouble with that Ché picture is...
it depends on which side of the firing squad you're on.
Generally, you don't want Ché looking at you... judge.
Lorraine is not Cleveland:
Burge's record includes five cases where he worked to save the lives of accused killers, including James Filiaggi, who was executed last year for chasing down and killing his ex-wife.
Does he follow the constitution? Nope: "I always base my decisions on what I think is right."
Is this right? "Burge, at a re-sentencing hearing in May, reduced the sentence of Thomas Holmes, convicted of beating his wife with a hammer, from 23 years to six years in prison. The result was to set free Holmes, who now lives in Cleveland with his mother."
Moody? "He said he has sentenced criminal defendants too harshly when in an angry mood."
Suicidal? "The difficult part is not injecting yourself into a trial," (Burge) said.
Democrat? You betcha.
And the guy has the temerity of not even being appointed by a political hack! He was voted into office by the good citizens of Ohio!!
I guess Ohio is now a suburb of Oregon and Washington State.
Stable? "I shouldn't have lost my temper," Burge said after the hearing.
Have we heard this before (2007)? "The Ohio attorney general has sued Lorain County Common Pleas Court Judge James Burge claiming he is exceeding his authority."
Has Il Dou'Che been heard from before? "Some judges bar enforcing Ohio's sex-offender law".
Jeez Alear, you've been drinking that hill country strip mine runoff too long. It's making your cranky. I don't know who Lorraine is, but Lorain is the county that abuts Cuyahoga county (Cleveland) on the west side. It's been a shithole since the seventies.
What do I care what it's called, it's west side. I crossed the Cuyahoga River mebbe twice, and once swimming on a dare. While it was on fire, coz that's what we did. That's Kucinich country out there, strange beasties to this Euclidian.
Fair enough.