A court martial on Wednesday acquitted a US
Marine for his role in the deaths of 24 civilians in Haditha in Iraq in
2005, the sixth man to be exonerated in the affair, a military official
said. Lieutenant Andrew Grayson, 27, was declared "not guilty on all charges" by a jury, said a spokesman for the Camp Pendleton military base in southern California where the hearing started on May 28.
Eight military personnel were originally charged over the incident --
four soldiers faced murder charges and four officers, including
Grayson, were accused of covering up and failing to properly
investigate the killings.
However, since charges were first announced in December 2006, prosecutors have struggled to make the allegations stick.
Six have now had charges against them dropped, while charges of murder
against squad leader Frank Wuterich were changed to the lesser offense
of manslaughter.
Wuterich faces trial later this year, along with Colonel Jeffrey
Chessani, the highest ranking officer accused over the incident who has
been charged with dereliction of duty and violation of a lawful order
” |
the military have a record of throwing the top ranking officer
to the dogs, and then apologizing 50 years later. Let's
hope Col. Chessani escapes that fate. Murtha, who forced the
issue, is below contempt. |