Sunday, June 08, 2008

Islamo Racket


Pedestrian Infidel has an alert for what seems to be the Islamo version of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Shake-Down.  

The Islamic Protection Racket

The Islamic Protection Racket--it’s standard operating procedure for Muslims who live in the West. The process runs something like this:

Step 1:
A trivial incident — a cartoon, a video, a book, an interview with a prominent public figure — is inflated into a huge outrage against the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims.
Step 2:
During Friday prayers, fire-breathing imams exhort the faithful to “defend the honor of the Prophet”.
Step 3:
Muslims in Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia and elsewhere in Dar al Islam take to the streets, burn infidel flags, and kill a few of each other.
Step 4:
Muslim countries institute a boycott against products manufactured by the offending Western nations.
Step 5:
Moderate spokesmen for Islamic groups appear on television and offer soothing words about peace and understanding, but… the violence of some of their co-religionists, regrettable though it may be, is understandable and hard to prevent, given the offense to their Islamic sensibilities.
Step 6:
Muslim ambassadors pay calls on heads of state and government in the Western countries involved, and insist that the host country needs to do more to understand Islam and promote constructive dialogue.
Step 7:
Officials in Western countries offer abject apologies and make concessions to Muslims, which usually involve massive “aid” programs to poor Muslim countries, all-halal menus in school lunchrooms, allowing women to wear burkhas on public transport, etc.
Step 8:
Muslim leaders proclaim that Islam is mollified (for the moment), and the world returns to a state of multicultural harmony.
Step 9:
Repeat steps 1 through 8 as often as necessary.

James Mac


AnnoyedOne said...

Exactly. I'm convinced that this is an actual long-term plan by the mooselimbs. The trouble is that the sheeple in the West are accepting it.

Thud said...

step 10...west finally wises up and islam becomes something only in history books.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for step 10 already...but until it becomes realized I'll carry bacon-bits in my pockets while walking the streets of Dearbornistan.

Anonymous said...

It's time for a Reconquista.

Anonymous said...

When I think of Muslim culture, I think of something that will grow in a petri dish.

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