An opportunity to take umbrage with Antonin Scalia |
Or: I want my bazooka! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
An opportunity to take umbrage with Antonin Scalia |
Or: I want my bazooka! |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
A bazooka would ruin the crease in my suit.
A cane gun, now that's protective as well as elegant.
when they granted us this right
Question: Did the bill of rights grant rights? Or rather affirm rights, thus limiting the government's interference in the exercise and regulating of those rights?
After all, we grant rights to the government, not the other way around.
Of course you're correct. Acknowledge our right is what I wrote, but my secretary screwed it up. :)
The right was NOT "granted", rather, it was recognized and the government was forbidden by the constitution to violate this God given human right. WTF is WRONG with these people?
Bob Moore
The framers did not give us these rights, they simply affirmed them. We always had the right to keep and bear arms.
Yeah, dammit!
This whole thing gives me the creeps.
Show me where it has changed anything. DC has zero gun shops and buying out of state is illegal unless they ship to a local shop.
I guess I should be as happy as a liberal would be with one of the Warren Court's decisions, but somehow I suspect I am being duped and shuffeled off to the side, personally I had my fill of it all.
My prediction: You are in for a shit sandwich as this plays out.
In NJ if you are a gun owner you at any moment might havce to spend ten years in one of our horrific jails because of a technical error in your actions. Stop for milk on the way back from the range - manditory gun sentence.
This looks like an opportunity to open the first new handgun shop in DC.
(It's also expected to be allowed to bring handguns if you move to DC-- although they plan to only allow you to own one handgun.)
Actually, I was troubled by his "in the home" phrase. I'm bracing for the new batch of lower court decisions that will come about as they try to "interpret" the SCOTUS decision. I predict they will claim that firearms are permissible ONLY within the home.
Of course it's complete baloney. The 2nd Amendment is one of the most straightforward, clearly written declarations in the document, yet the libs twist and torture every word to reach their predetermined interpretation.
Nothing will change. Same old BS from the same old socialists.
Heller is not the end of this fight but only the beginning.
We finally have an anchor that, barring a change in the Constitution or a change in legal government, allows us to challenge all of the screwed up laws in hell holes like Chicago, NY, NJ, San Fran, etc. It's gonna be litigation junction for the next decade or so.
I hate to say it, but a vote for Barrack, color my world, obama or a no show at the polls will give us at least 1 more - for sure - liberal judge. Maybe more. Granted, no telling what McCain will give us but I'd rather take my chances on that than a sure thing like Jug Ears. Unless of course he picks some SOB like Bloomberg for VP. Then, Screw it. I'm staying home too.
That with rights come responsibilities is widely if not universally accepted. So what is the responsibility that comes with the right to keep and bear arms? It’s in the opening phrase of the Second Amendment. "Owning guns and complaining to your representatives being sufficient to the security of a free state,..." Right? Well that’s what most gun owners seem to think.
For any who wish to take seriously the responsibility that comes with the right to keep and bear arms, I invite you to explore today’s militia at We might surprise you, especially if you still believe what the mainstream media and groups like the SPLC say about us.