Wednesday, June 25, 2008


... a better place

This is a snippet from Dennis Prager's essay, "When I Was a Boy, America Was a Better Place" It's natural to think the old days were better, but this is more than that.
 Meanwhile, all employers in California are now prohibited by law from firing a man who has decided to cross-dress at work. And needless to say, no fellow worker can say to that man, "Hey, Jack, why not wear the dress at home and men's clothes to work?" An employer interviewing a prospective employee is not free to ask the most natural human questions: Are you married? Do you have a child? How old are you? Soon "How are you?" will be banned lest one discriminate on the basis of health.

When I was boy, what people did at home was not their employer's business. Today, companies and city governments refuse to hire, and may fire, workers no matter how competent or healthy, who smoke in their homes. Sarasota, Fla., the latest city to invade people's private lives, would not hire Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy if they applied for a job.

When I was a 7-year-old boy, I flew alone from New York to my aunt and uncle in Miami and did the same thing coming back to New York. I boarded the plane on my own and got off the plane on my own. No papers for my parents to fill out. No extra fee to pay the airline. I was responsible for myself. Had I run away or been kidnapped, no one would have sued the airline. Today, fear of lawsuits is a dominant fact of American life.

When I was a boy, I ran after girls during recess, played dodgeball, climbed monkey bars and sat on seesaws. Today, more and more schools have no recess; have canceled dodgeball lest someone feel bad about being removed from the game; and call the police in to interrogate, even sometimes arrest, elementary school boys who playfully touch a girl. And monkey bars and seesaws are largely gone, for fear of lawsuits should a child be injured.


Anonymous said...

Singer Bucky Covington took a lot of heat for conveying the same thing:

Pat R.

Anonymous said...

I'm pushing 60. I may be off a bit, but I see the turning point being when "Unsafe at Any Speed" came out.

We went from being a nation of hard-working, press-on-regardless, dynamic, can-do people to a nation of sniveling, pants-wetting handwringers.

It's sick-making.

titan saturnae said...

"Progressive" (f/k/a liberal) logic at its finest - you can't be stopped from cross-dressing at work, but you can be fired for smoking at home.

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