scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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I quit 3 years ago. Too many of my Navy buddies died in thier 50's and early 60's. All smokers. It scared me. I want to draw that guvmint check longer than that.
Smoked from 1955 to 1985. Figured after 30 years' practice I'd gotten about as good at it as I was gonna get.
Went to the Commissary one rainy day in January 1985 and saw that the price had gone up again . . . over $6 for one lousy carton. Pissed me off. So I quit.
Don't miss it. Not even a really good cigar or somebody with a nice pipe blend. In fact, I don't know how my wife and kids put up with me all those years. Smoke on people's bodies and hair and clothing is disgusting to me now.
After my MI 10 years ago, Doc told me if I hadn't quit when I did, I'd have cashed in before my mid 50s. Several of my old Navy buddies are carrying the tank and wearing the hoses.
Not a good habit. My two daughters finally quit, but I can't get my youngest son (42) to give 'em up. Runs a coupla miles a day and has a smoke while he's cooling down.
'Nother Ex-Navy Ex-smoker here. Smoked from 1972-1991. At the last, my office was 15 feet from the Chief's Mess, with the smoking area in between. First Step in solving any crisis was a fresh cup of coffee and a Winston 100.
Wife had been after me for years to quit.
I quit.
She divorced me. I understand one of her recent projects has been to help vote a town 'dry' and then move.
Checking prices-- "Day-UM! I'm glad I quit those things! Do you know how much ammo I could buy with that??"
I quit five years ago. I'm a retired bubblehead Chief, and I still remember leaving on a mission with a carton of Camels for each week we were expected to be underway, plus one "just in case." Plus a couple pounds of pipe tobacco. When I retired in 1990, it was still legal to smoke in some areas of the Navy!
Glad I quit, and wish I had done so earlier!
I've been smoking since 1969. Quitting is easy. I quit 5 times last year. It's staying quit that is difficult. I'm not quitting on quitting yet. . . trying the patch next.