scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
I'm not real comfortable with the squishy wording here.
"has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign ..."
It should only take a quick call to the FEC to resolve this issue.
Or has the FEC not done their job of determining whether a candidate for US President is in fact a natural-born US citizen?
Obama could admit he is not an American, could praise Hitler, say he believes in his father's communist ideas and rape his daughter on live TV and the media would talk about what style he has when he does it.
Here's how absurd this is ... If I'm not mistaken, McCain had to get a resolution from congress stating that he was eligible - because he was born in Panama while his naval officer father was stationed there!
Won't this eventually be required? After all, I have to do all that W-9 stuff and get copies of DL and birth cert or Passport whenever I hire someone.
Don't we do that same shit when we pic a president?
If his dad listed him as Muslim could be a real problem, even though he is a (radical) Christian, before the election. If he was made a citizen of another country then he has a real problem (I think I read that option here, didn't I?).
OK,Everybody is saying similar things that Double the U is saying here.Call me crazy but, only Satan could pull that off.MFG we are going to put this demon in the white house.
After 9-11 if you said that this is the future, the only way would be a nuclear strike on several major cities.You just know his wife's eyes glow red in the dark.Hopefully after swearing in on the Quran for Mullah in chief of the dark house it will be a real short stay.
Double the U's right. White guilt will drive this socialist into the white house.
"The only thing that will cost him the election is if he is caught in bed with a live boy or a [strike]dead[/strike] white girl..."
apologies to Edwin Edwards
The way I have it figured, he could have been born on the flippin' moon and no one would say a thing but us. People are too afraid of being branded a racist and watching the cities burn.
Bet me.
"People are too afraid of being branded a racist"
Which is the basis for my predicting a 10 point gulf between Obama's poll numbers and reality.