Friday, July 04, 2008

We do have a responsibility here ...

Governments extort. The Colonies knew that.
For we who love the United States, and what it stands for, today is for celebrating our founding, and perhaps reflecting on what this nation is all about.

 I was going to find a tortured parallel with that joke about Johnny and the pickle factory with the bony pickles, but Lawrence Henry  blows that away with What America Is All About
 I find that close decision [Supreme Court's recent 5-4 ruling affirming that the Second Amendment to the Constitution ] frightening. How can there be any doubt? How can there be any argument?

Let's review:

Our Founders said, explicitly, that when a people found their rulers had usurped the rightful reach of their powers, it was the people's right to "alter or abolish" that government. And no mistake, our Founders, being realists, knew that "alter or abolish" might mean "change the government by violent means, if necessary."

Even in modern times, a lightly armed and aroused populace can cause a government a whole s**tload of trouble -- something of which tyrants are well aware.

Government began with extortion. Some landed character with muscled henchmen in hire threw a barrier across a road, and demanded tribute from all who would pass. Keep that concept in mind, because it underlies all that follows.   . and here's what follows.
Just a half-dozen paragraphs remain ... so you'll have lots of time to watch this video from  American Joe that you meant to watch earlier, but didn't have time for.  It's who we are. I hope those pissants in Washington  understand all this.


Anonymous said...

Rodger,$5000.00 dollar fine one year in jail if you light any kind of fireworks in Seattle this year.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And why did they feel they could do that?

Juice said...

Because they can.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Only because they're allowed to remain in office. Remove them.

Juice said...

If only, Rodger. If only.....

Anonymous said...

My old man, a font of wisdom he, used to say "If you don't know who to vote for, vote against the incumbent." Not half bad advice.

Anonymous said...

Politicians and diapers should be changed regularly and for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Heh, here up around 103th and 99 there sure seem to be a lot of people trolling for the fine and jail time.

Ineffective government is what scabattle is all about :-/. I long for Chicago where politics are (reasonably) honest compared to here.

Sigh. Used to be a lovely place...

Anonymous said...

I am all right with Joe when he says our politicians suck and that we should drill in ANWR but a lot of what he says is crap.

He says that the Iraqis owe us two trillion and we should demand it by strong arming them into granting us reduced oil concessions. Gee, war reparations worked so well after WWI.

I supported the war and think that our best hope is in our grasp: a strong, stable ally in the region. If we start demanding money that goal will be so much harder to reach. I am sure that we did not have 1200 of our best re-up today so that they could loot Iraq on their way out.

And just think: if we demand reparations in the form of oil, then those rat bastards who said this war was about blood for oil will have been right.

I thought I heard him say that we should expect reduced oil if we drill in our country. That does not set too well with this capitalist. Drilling here would mean jobs, investing our wealth at home, more oil to increase supply and profits for the pension funds and 401-Ks invested in Big Oil. The only downside is that the government would take an obscene amount in taxes and that is never good.

He also mentioned the moon program. That was based on established Newtonian physics and was never designed to be cost effective. Our solution to our energy requirement needs to be cost effective and that means we need to keep the feds far, far, far away.

And did anyone else get the impression that Joe is a warm-monger?

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