Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Finish with a nail studded 2 X 4

Why No Up or Down Vote on Drilling?
By domestic popular demand
I'm posting this Stephanopoulos-Pelosi segment from This Week for one reason.  It's all Mo Sup has talked about for two days.  If it struck her that way, then other normal people are likely to have the same response.  That response being an urge to run this cretin's Botoxed  face against a cabbage shredder.  If you don't have that reaction, you are a defective.  Sorry. The original video is still available here if you're a pixel snob.


Anonymous said...

The really sad thought is: How many Americans actually appreciate the fact that the SotH is a functionally retarded petty dictator?

Failed Bush-Cheney energy policy?
In a press release dated April 24, 2006, Pelosi said, “Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.” The letter cited policies put in place during the GOP control of Congress that the Speaker claimed had raised prices on American consumers to benefit oil companies.


Anonymous said...

Da Bitch is losing it!

Timbeaux said...

"We can't drill or way out of the oil problem" makes as much sense as you can't eat your way out of starvation. I see some real pressure building against the consensus that Democrats will win seats in the house simply by showing up.

Anonymous said...

How can this woman lament a failed energy policy if she can't even support a short-term strategy like the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? If I recall, it was Clinton around the end of the century who decided that emptying the reserve was a great idea for lowering the costs of Americans, and NOT for getting Al Gore elected.

There's only one thing more dangerous than having Big Oil-controlled politicians in Washington, and that's NOT having Big Oil-controlled politicians in Washington.

Anonymous said...

This from the party that adores a certain ex-president that was all into the up and down, and especially drilling.

I need a cigar, while I'm still allowed.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand how she can spout that infantile, canned drivel with that wooden delivery and expect anyone to believe it.

Botoxed face against a cabbage shredder.

Great minds think alike Rodger.
When I saw that clip the other day, I thought the same thing, only I wanted to use a cheese grater or belt sander. But you go right ahead, because I don't own a cabbage thingy, just a cheese thingy and a belt sander.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think she gets away with it because political allegiances are pretty much soldered into place, and won't be moved. I cannot begin to fathom how she's SOTH, or that Obama's candidacy lasted even one week.

AnnoyedOne said...


That made me reach for my cricket bat. Is that wrong? ;-)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes, it's very bad unless your cricket bat is studded with 10 penny nails.

Anonymous said...

So, we'll drain the strategic petroleum reserve but not even consider expanded drilling because it doesn't help us RIGHT NOW? Any one here know the meaning of "eating the seed corn"? - Vice Sgt Boone

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Raise your hand if you liked the ending.

Anonymous said...

We're sorry.

really sorry.


Anonymous said...

I was actually impressed with Stephanopopolopoopypants.

You could almost see that he wanted to make that pencil disappear like the Joker did in the last batman movie. I know I did.


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