I'll make the following assumptions about the creator of the Racial Slur Data Base. He/She is a democrat. Here's why.
- Democrats are obsessed with race.
- Democrats see slurs in everything said by those they disagree with.
- Note the absence of the following words/phrases -in
an otherwise tediously exhaustive list - that describe democrats and
- CommieMFCS - democrats
- Ms. Hankey - (Often Speaker Pelosi, floating turd)
- Pink Stink - Women America haters
- Murtha - A rare designated "ex-Marine"
- Reid - Unprosecuted crook
- Chicagoed - elected by dead people
- Swimmer - Ted Kennedy, and ilk
- Messiah - the next manufactured out of whole cloth democrat savior.
But, enough of this. It's not even fun anymore. Hat tip to Timmah!