scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Can we PLEASE go back to America circa 1900 with all the luxuries that we currently possess?
Meaning: Let us, we the people, contribute OUR funds any way we see fit. I HATE having a gun to my head so that the gummint can squander away MY tax dollars.
I'm just sayin'...
Sitemeter makes your page unloadable with IE 7. See LGF or http://ace.mu.nu/ for further explanations... basically you have to take sitemeter off your page and that fixes it. Of course contacting sitemeter does not seem possible as they have adopted the MMO support way of doing things; if you can find our email address and send an email we may read it in a few weeks.
Maybe that's sitemeter's way of telling you IE is the lamest browser in existance. See www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ for further explanations....
Thanks - I had no problem contacting sitemeter and have been issued a problem ticket number and promise to get back. If they don't, then it will be their problem because they'll start losing customers likkety split - me included.
Sitemeter caused the problem and it only affects IE7. They changed codes without testing.....Glad I went to IE8 some time back.
Africa is a great place for a man that can live off his wit. Now I am a "Witman". Damn there is a pun somewhere that I am missing.
Look up 'Kibera' and you will see more Africa today.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Well after hearing over and over how great Firefox is, I finally installed it and plan to use it continuously for a while to see how it appeals.....First reaction: Script is weaker and harder to read..........More reports later.
Everything it does, so far, is slower.That's anything I click on. When does it start getting great?.....I'll continue using it for a while......By the way I have been using, before Firefox, IE8, with XP with SP3.
EVERYTIME I go on line and go to a site, I get a message that I'm missing add-ons...I click this and everytime it says the same thing, That I need Adobe Flash Player...I already have this but I downloaded it again to NO avail, as I still get the same massage everytime.....Do you guys always have this much fun with FIREFOX?
I tell you what fellows. I'm always looking for more speed, not less, and I've had all the FIREFOX I can handle...It's a goner..............See ya on IE8.
There. That's more like it...About 5 times faster. :->
JMcD ...
If you are not running Firefox 3 Beta 4, you loaded the wrong Firefox.
In all speed tests comparing Firefox 3 and IE-7, Microsoft gets blown away.