Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bob Parks

The very talented Bob Parks ponders the left's response if Obama wins,  or if he loses.
Or, in between ...


Anonymous said...

"During the demonstration in which they were arrested law enforcement officers used pepper spray, rubber bullets, concussion grenades and excessive force."

Good heavens, I wouldn't want them to use "insufficient" force. Remember the Engineer's rule, plenty plus more equals enough.


Anonymous said...

When a cop tells you to "get back on the sidewalk", do you: A. get back on the sidewalk; or B. push against him and make demands.

Looks like Amy made the wrong choice.

If she had a problem with the arrest of the other two, then she should have called a lawyer. There was no positive outcome possible from trying to cross the perimeter.


Anonymous said...

You never see libs, like Amy Goodman, smiling. They are always perpetually unhappy and angst-ridden.

Anonymous said...

I would liked to have been standing between those two groups, at the side, holding downs markers. Best seat in the house.

Anonymous said...

I sent some money to the DNC
In hopes that they could do some things for me
They sent me a foto of a grinning halfrican
And said, “Send mo’ money, vote Obama he’s yo’ man.”

I wondered who he was and where he’d been
He mentioned change and hope and change again
He didn’t say much, but he said it sev’ral times
And pointed to a bottle of Lib Potion # 9.

He sat down and looked around and flashed me a smile
and said, “You know I’m gonna win it all by a mile.
Just take a little swig of this and then in a while,
You’ll see the light, you’ll know the truth, you’ll be more virile.”

I thought I heard Abe Lincoln moaning in his grave
And Jefferson spoke up to say, “He’s just a knave!”
TR said, “Horsewhip him! And then give him the boot!”
And Reagan put his two cents in: “He’s just an empty suit.”

The lies made me queasy and wanna toss my lunch
The hype burned my nostrils and made my eyelids scrunch
The whitewash ate my shirt and burnt a hole in my tie
I listened to their bullshit and I thought I would die.

I lost control of what was wrong and right
I started cussin everything in sight
But when I cussed a cop on the anti-picket line
He smashed my little bottle of Lib Potion # 9.

Anonymous said...

Who knew? It seems that "civil disobedience" is still considered to be "disobedience" by the police.

The funny thing is that I know a few Democratic cops and they will still bust you for trying to "free" someone they're arresting.

Anonymous said...

All the advice given above about how to not get arrested assumes that you don't want to get arrested. Getting arrested at one of these things is a badge of honor for these morons that they'll happily brag about for years.

If I were the police chief I'd have instructed my men that, unless they were doing something for which we could put them away for a long time, arrest no one. It's okay to break bones if they get too obnoxious but don't arrest them. There isn't any better way to spoil the day of a leftard protester.

I was quite disappointed at the protests at the DNC's convention. Repeat '68 my ass! Pussies!

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