This American Thinker
article will not be read by enemy worker bees, alas, so at times I
wonder, "What's the Point?" And the answer is, it's keep
spreading the gospel, or start doing other stuff.
A psychopath is a person without conscience; someone who constantly breaks the moral rules of the community. Saul
Alinsky was a "community organizer" who found a career that fit that
personality disorder. In the Orwellian upside-down world of the Left,
community organizers disorganize communities. That is the meaning of
revolution, to overturn whatever exists today in the raw pursuit of
one's own power.
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By the Bye, Is today's NY Post story a bellwether? DOCS DETAIL BARACK TIES TO RADICAL But I digress. Back to Barack's Psycopaths.
Obama is now instructing his followers to "get in their faces" of those Americans who are not down for his cause. Obama acts like a nice guy, but he is a political warmonger. He's been very clear about that: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." That's the language of gang war.
Today we can see the Left's rage reaction to John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin.
A British Leftist writing for Pravda (!) called "Sarah Palin - The Devil in disguise...
Palin, Mrs. Nobody know-it-all shreiking cow from Alaska, the joke of
American politics, plied with a couple of vodkas ... cheap little
guttersnipe ... suppose you shut up ... you pith-headed little bimbo
from the back of beyond ... So next time suppose you keep your mouth
shut and while you're at it, make sure the members of your family keep
their legs shut too. ... "
It gets better. Or worse.
Obama is no pasty faced liberal who acts to make himself feel good.
He's a Marxist revolutionary bent on capturing the flag. In my
opinion, this battle, this year, will be won by e-mail. I suggest that
every e-mail you send contains an inconspicuous link to a piece of
proof. If you run into a rebuttal you want help with, ask for help here, or any other blog. Good Hitting.
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