scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Should the unthinkable happen, and BO gets the keys to the White House, methinks it won't be all that great for black America. Not that they wouldn't try, but how do you play the race card then?
Not only that, Casca, but we would see the destruction of America under his rule. It would take another half-century to recover and we'd descend into the depths of racism for another 40 years.
My Annoyed White Thoughts on the topic:
Funny, I always thought uppity meant something entirely different. As in arrogant, conceited, overly self-important, and always looking to start an argument. Oh wait, that's what the dictionary says too.
So Miss Uppity bases her entire diatribe on a deliberately soft definition. It's a bit of a wishful view through the magic mirror to cram all that into "doesn't know her place" and then wrap it in the All-American "Movin' On Up" meme of trying for better education and better living.
Take away any implied racial aspect and uppity means "bellicose stuffed shirt". Which suits the Obamas to a T. Especially Michelle.
Put the racial aspect back in, use the whole term "uppity niggers" and you're talking specifically about low level black people who have no education who see racism in everything and are hypersensitive about everything. Yet they themselves are inordinately proud of being black and feel fully justified to hate on everyone else. They get their kicks from annoying white people at every opportunity.
"Man, racism is everywhere! It's even in the food you buy! Look here - see the green olives? They're in a clear glass jar where everybody can see them. But the BLACK olives? Oh hell no. They gots to be hidden away in a can, kept in the dark, outa sight like they don't even exist! It's racism!
Funny thing though. The dictionary tells me that uppity was a term invented by black people to describe other black people who were too full of themselves.