Oh my. Jamie Gorelick,
the double-dealing de facto Clinton Administration AG, whose "Gorelick
Wall" barred anti-terror investigators from investigating terrorists,
and a $26 million dollar employee of Fannie Mae, has popped up
Countrywide Financial Corp., the biggest U.S. mortgage lender, made
large, previously undisclosed home loans to two additional executives
of Fannie Mae, the government-chartered firm at the center of the U.S. credit crisis.
One of Countrywide's previously undisclosed customers at Fannie was
Jamie Gorelick, an influential Democratic Party figure whose $960,000
mortgage refinancing in 2003 was handled through a program reserved for
influential figures and friends of Countrywide's chief executive at the
time, Angelo Mozilo. Ms. Gorelick was Fannie Mae's vice chairman at the
time. [More]
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Gorelick somehow
(duh) landed on the 9/11 Commission investigating, essentially, herself. How is it that fellow Countrywide beneficiary Christopher Dodd failed
to appoint her Majority Counsel, Senate Finance Committee during his
ongoing investigation of, essentially, himself? She has so much experience in succubusities. Incredible.