Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hoover, for the hell of it


For instance, who knew that Herbert Hoover, who had been such a heroic do-gooder for the Belgians during their food crisis of 1914, would turn out to be a president blatantly blasé about Americans who were starving during the Great Depression?  -- Sarah Vowell  "Party Guy"
To say that Hoover was "blatantly blasé," is careless at best, and  leads me to this conclusion about Ms. Vowell's education.

  • She flunked her American history course, or ...
  • She got an "A"  in American history, but her professor was Howard Zinn
Here's an alternative view that I was taught, along with the obligatory paeans to FDR.  It's this practice by liberals - ignoring that which challenges their world view - that renders them so ill-equipped to engage in public debate, Obama being a prime current example.

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