Saturday, September 13, 2008

Krugman Schmugman

Paul Krugman joins Paul Ehrlich as  the only men
to be wrong about everything they've ever said!
"Honey, our dog crapped on the rug"
"We don't have a dog Paul.  It was you."

Obama Rama's new anti-McCain ad centers on McCain's admitted ignorance about computers.  "He can't even send E-Mail!"  The easy response is, "I have staff for clerical duties."  But.  It's democrats who are seemingly unaware of the home computer.  They must be.  They constantly make assertions that are provably false, when any shlub with a blog can produce that proof.   Obama has for example been Google-slapped so many times that his people have taken to destroying any of his past records they can find.   Same with the Media. Yesterday Paul Krugman's wasted space focused on the Blizzard of Lies being told against his candidate.

Did you hear about how Barack Obama wants to have sex education in kindergarten, and called Sarah Palin a pig? Did you hear about how Ms. Palin told Congress, “Thanks, but no thanks” when it wanted to buy Alaska a Bridge to Nowhere?

    "...our system continues to reward false statements and outright lies with a winning campaign..."

These stories have two things in common: they’re all claims recently made by the McCain campaign — and they’re all out-and-out lies.

Dishonesty is nothing new in politics. I spent much of 2000 — my first year at The Times — trying to alert readers to the blatant dishonesty of the Bush campaign’s claims about taxes, spending and Social Security.

Krugman, you ignorant slut. Two things.
  1.  Obama DID VOTE for sex education in kindergarten. See more here.
  2. While Palin did initially back the bridge, she killed it after it became unpopular in AK.  But -- look who did vote to fund the Bridge to Nowhere, and when given this chance to change their minds (YEA), voted against Sen. Coburn's bill to stop it (NAY)


cmblake6 said...

Pardon my momentary explosion of political incorrectness. "Asswipes"! And then a number of physical gestures indiscernible via the keyboard. As above, Google is our friend. And is proving the enemies lies, one at a time.
ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC!

Anonymous said...

John McCain doesn't use email because the sadistic NVA commie savages mangled his body to point where he can't use a keyboard. Check out the boston globe article

the article says "McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. "

Obamamessiah approved the ad. What a dirtball. John McCain can't use a keyboard because he chose to serve his country and not betray the country or his fellow POWs.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

great catch anon.

Anonymous said...

The MSM hasn't reported that Paul Krugman and Keith Olberman are actually brothers, separated at hatching.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Bob Hawkins said...


Please. Here in New England, we use the more gentlemanly term "rumpswabs."

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