S.OG.does not know I'm doing this. But I know that over the
weekend she had to rush to the ER after her vision began to fail, so
this tumor thing is not over. Her hair is , uh, thinning from the treatments. The medicines, chemo, etc, are somewhat debilitating, as you know.
A few weeks ago many of you contributed to the fund SondraK, Chrissie,
and I promoted to help her pay for her tumor surgery
- and horry clap!
She received over $1200. While that's a lot of money, it amounts
to just about her entire discretionary income for the next six months,
by which time she must have paid off several medical loans.
I urged Linda before to get a Pay Pal button, but her pride got in the way. Finally, Chrissie (Wild Thing) was able to talk her into it, so if you can, click on her site, and buy her a Big Mac and some fries, or a mushroom and onion pizza.
I know you join me in not wanting to see Linda in a cheap wig, all scrawny from living off dented
can food, and forced to sing folk songs and perform street mime? Am I right?
Thanks. We take care of our own.
PS. Today is her blogiversary. Four years Stop by and say hi.