Tuesday, September 02, 2008

People who need ... chastising.

Rodge, Why Do You Always Say "Filthy Democrats?"

On a plane from Denver to Charlotte following the Democrats' convention, I found myself seated behind former National Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler and Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina. Their conversation was interesting to say the least.

For example, they made fun of Sarah Palin for several minutes, Fowler calling her "Dan Quayle" on steroids and Spratt creatively describing her as "just terrible." They both agreed that, "Other than the simple fact that she's a female," she has nothing to offer.

Then there was this gem of a moment from Fowler: [Fowler Fouls: Hurricane is God's Favor to Democrats]

These people are just so SMACK-A-LICIOUS, ain't they?  Did you catch Philadelphia columnist Fatimah Ali's veiled threat today?

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!



Anonymous said...

Fatimah Ali chimes in? Well...Zoom gali gali.
oy vey olé

Anonymous said...

...as factories closed or their work was outsourced to cheap labor markets overseas.
Don't suppose union-driven health care & pension costs, wages, Federal corporation taxes and overbearing environmental rules have anything to do with that?

...America can't afford another four years of failed GOP policies that have extended $200 billion in tax cuts to big corporations but not to the nation's 100 million families.
Don't know about you woman, but I got a nice one a few years ago, and I'm living on a fixed income that's less than most school teachers' pay.

...when Obama wins the White House, ...improve this nation for everyone, not just a select few.
And I expect him to keep his word.

Three years ago, Obama promised to help the Senator Obama Kegelo School in Kenya, where just $100 would make a huge difference for that impoverished school. Just a few weeks ago, the school principal reported “Senator Obama has not honored the promises he gave me when we met... He has not given us even one shilling. (not even CHANGE from Obama) But we still have.... ( ready? )..........HOPE.”

Fatimah, yo a dum bitch, yo...
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Fatimah has overlooked the fact that if a race war comes, we toothless rednecks are the only ones with the high-powered deer rifles.

Inshallah, Fatimah. Inshallah.

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