Monday, September 08, 2008


It's, like, a mystery

"Stop saying that!" my wife says to me. But this is not a high school football game and I'm not a cheerleader with a bad attitude. This is an election and as things stand now, we're gonna frickin' lose this thing. Obama and McCain at best are even in the polls nationally and in a recent Gallup poll McCain is ahead by four points.

Something is not right. We have a terrific candidate and a terrific VP candidate. We're coming off the worst eight years in our country's history. Six of those eight years the Congress, White House and even the Supreme Court were controlled by the Republicans and the last two years the R's have filibustered like tantrum throwing 4-year-olds, yet we're going to elect a Republican who voted with that leadership 90% of the time and a former sportscaster who wants to teach Adam and Eve as science? That's not odd as a difference of opinion, that's logically and mathematically queer.

and on the other hand?  Adam.. the other hand ... Adam.


AnnoyedOne said...

I'm bettin' that Post election-selection trauma (PEST) will be mild compared to what'll happen to Moonbats if McCain/Palin win in Nov :-)

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, Adam. The Republicans will STEAL yet another election.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to reassess Rush's get out the vote for Hillary some months ago during the primaries. Which you were for, and I was aghast. I know why it was done, but the danger was palpable and real.

Until almost the very day of the Obamanation, I was afraid of Hillary. If she got it, there'd be no Palin for VP and Herfilthyness would be up by 5 or more by now.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That's very gracious of you Alear, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express that night.

cmblake6 said...

Just remember this, boys and girls. POTUS is not the only line on the ballot. We need to do our damnedest to get back Congress. With Sarahcuda in town, ALL that crap will be sorted out!

Anonymous said...

The smell of 30m whacko left wing zealots defecating in their shorts ... PRICELESS

Anonymous said...

When did the R's Filibuster?
I remember the D's doing it on Judicial nominees.

He is wrong on the big picture. The R's have already won it.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was an Onion post!

The Dems managed to find someone even worse than Kerry.

Anonymous said...

They think the Republicans will steal yet another election?

No, that's just not progressive enough. If you're a completely unhinged barking moonbat, you're supposed to believe that the Republicans already have stolen the election.

If you say "I'm not reading that long bullshit", then good for you. Reading Greg Palast's lunatic conspiracy theories is generally a waste of time. I'm just posting it here in case you're bored and need an excuse to throw things.


Anonymous said...

But Iben, the smell!?


Anonymous said...

The down ticket boys are happy and just wish that Sarah could clone herself and appear with each of them.

McCain gets $84 million in federal funds and Obama is still out there sucking dry the money teat. If he has two $50 million months, he outraises McCain by only $16 mil. Any money McCain raises goes down ticket.

According to Hot Air:

"A spokesman for one congressional candidate in Maryland says he’ll settle for Todd Palin if they can’t net the ‘Cuda..."

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning. When these two are finally in the debates, Ob-um-uh is going to be fumbling and checking the words written on his arm. How are they going to cover for him when he's finally out there and they can't blame his ineptitude on other things?

Anonymous said...

I recently made a foray into loonyland when someone at a generally non-political forum I frequent posted this. The comments are quite amusing, like these gems:

"Olbermann should quit MSNBC -- publicly." (YES! Yes, please!)

"...the "oil maggots" in control have already skewed NPR."

I got a good laugh that they refer to themselves as "The Blogosphere" As if liberatrian Bill Quick didn't coin the term:

"No, the blogosphere should invest in developing its own television network just like the right wing did."

"I woukd love to have some of the millions of dollars we contribute to political campaigns go toward us actually having a voice in the MSM"

"We need to promote Air America as much as we can and how about that Rachel Maddow starting tonight! I think we need to have everyone tune in to Air America including Randi Rhodes. TV is not the only game in town."

"That's right, before FoxNews turned its first dime of profit, it lost half a billion dollars.

The problem with a populist progressive movement is that it doesn't tend to be populated with a profusion of people who can put up that many pesos."

Talk about comedy gold! It just keeps coming and it's even funnier if you read the whole thing in context. ...and that's the comments on just one post. Can you imagine what a strange laws of physics govern the universe these people live in?

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