Monday, September 22, 2008

We're hostage to the gang of 233

Rolling the Dice

BREAKING: House Dems Put "No Drill Energy Plan" in Continuing Resolution

It seems Pelosi is gambling that she can make a deal with the White House. The White House will accept her no energy plan in exchange the White House gets its Wall Street bailout plan.

This must be viewed as unacceptable. [RedStates]

The scariest thing about all of this is the willingness of Democrats to gamble a worldwide financial meltdown

red_oakster (link)

Make no mistake. The seeming willingness to delay action and add extraneous provisions to the bailout legislation is playing with fire.

I can understand that the Democrats are going to try and get some items they want. But if it begins to appear that they may delay passage of treasury's capacity to respond to market crisis, that itself could trigger big financial problems.

There's a Hoover-style historical legacy waiting for any public official whose actions contribute to a global panic. Pelosi, Frank, and Dodd all are playing a dangerous game.

Oil jumped $30 today because nervous investors are buying it as a hedge against an unsure dollar.  And Democrats continue to play chicken .


Anonymous said...

What time will the grand jury subpoenas be served Rodge?

There's 250' of 1/2" rope in my shed looking for a home.

Any yes Nancy, yes Hillary, yes Obama, I do question your patriotism.

In a just world, we should be able to get the Pelosi Plague contained by the weekend.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

AnnoyedOne said...

Lt. Col.

You're going to need industrial strength steel cable for Ted "Swimmer" Kennedy along with a real sturdy tree ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is the time to handcuff her to the statue on the town square, and yank her granny panties down. If only Dubyah had it in him.


Anonymous said...

industrial strength steel cable
AO, funny you mentioned that. I have two 3/4" dia. steel wire thingies in the shed with crimped loops on the ends. In the rigging trade, they are called (drrrrrrum rrrrrrroll)
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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