Saturday, October 04, 2008

Gone to Court Here Boss

Democrat suing his own party says it's 'like they're in cahoots'

Berg is frustrated, not only with his own party's leadership for allegedly not investigating Obama's background, but also with the major news outlets for failing as well.

"I should also be suing the national media and their disgrace for not properly vetting, inspecting or checking on Barack Obama.

"Look what they're doing to Governor Palin: They're opening up her closet doors, they're going through everything personal, but no one has ever gone after Obama. It doesn't make sense," Berg said. [Mo Funny]


gregor said...

what a bunch of sock cuckers. how much is a thirty second commercial on tv during prime time? I'd donate to get Berg on and have him tell the world what he's trying to do and who's trying to stop him.

Anonymous said... - Jon Voight:

Newsmax: You recently had an article in the Washington Times in which you expressed some of your views on Barack Obama. What would you say is your primary concern about Obama?

Voight: The influences that have created him. You know, if you look back into his past, and it’s not too distant because he’s not a very old fellow, you can see the influences that produced him. It was quite unusual to see at the Democratic Convention that the only people who could stand up for his character were people who a month earlier were saying that he was unqualified for the job, and shocked that he was running, actually. The Clintons and his vice presidential nominee, they were the only people who could speak for him. Can you imagine that the guys who know him best are all very extreme cases? They are characters who are very militant, very angry people.

Anonymous said...

Philip J. Berg is a trial lawyer.

According to some who visit this website, Philip J. Berg is, by definition, the scum of the earth because he's dared file a lawsuit.

It doesn't matter that it's a valid lawsuit. It doesn't matter that it concerns one of the most important issues of the day. It doesn't matter that he's trying to enforce the U.S. Constitution.

According to visitors of this website, Philip J. Berg is a vile and horrible person simply because he's a trial lawyer.

Anonymous said...

That should read, "According to some visitors of this website, Philip J. Berg is a vile and horrible person simply because he's a trial lawyer."

I stand corrected.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And a Democrat too boot. :)

Anonymous said...

The Dems are always whining about fairness. They took John McCain to task on HIS citizenship. The Senate had a vote. Isn't it FAIR that Mobama digs his out?

Who here can't put their hands on their birth cert in a few hours?

Anonymous said...

Heya Chuck Martel, who has often commented on this here website, and I read and learn from you.

Yes, trial lawyers are scum of the earth. Immediately for some reason I'm on the side of them, I'm switching sides. It's like agreeing with Pelosi, I just won't do it.

So there.

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