Friday, October 24, 2008

Internal Polls


  Exit polling in 2004 was nearly unanimous. Democrats and Republicans were evenly distributed when it came to who voted. (This is NBC, I earlier cited a CBS analysis showing the same result). Moving forward, Gallop is reporting an even distribution among the 11% who've voted early in the 2008 election.  Do you see a pattern here? But virtually every poll - no, make that every poll, still samples more Democrats than Republicans, because the Donks have more registered voters.   Why?  What matters is who shows up to vote!

Why does Election Projection  (to whom I subscribe) continue to use polls showing Obama ahead in  Pennsylvania by 11-15 points?  When last week we played for you the audio showing Obama's internal polling at under 2%?  And this week Gov. "Fast Eddie" Rendell warned Obama he'd better get back into PA if he wants to save it?

 I want to know why there are no polls that use the same polling techniques that the campaigns use,  The "Internal Poll."  Because they're almost always spot-on?   In 1980, while the Baltimore Sun was calling the election a squeaker, Jimmy Carter's pollster was telling him he was about to be slaughtered. The only reason I can think of, is that pollsters respond to what the client wants.  Makes sense.  They are, after all, marketing companies. Where the campaigns demand accurate results, so they know where to use resources, they get them.  So, what is the New York Times, and NBC are asking for?  I'm just saying. 


Anonymous said...

Several years ago I ended up taking a statistics class at our local community college. So there I was, sitting in a classroom full of 18-20 year old dolts. I had been using statistics at work as a simulations analyst for longer than most of my classmates had been alive.

One day the teacher set up a problem that required us to determine a population to poll and questions to ask. We were supposed to report the results of our poll.

I raised my hand and asked "What do you want the results to be?"

My classmates looked at me like I was insane.

The teacher once he realized that I was serious and not just being a smart ass, gave me an A on the assignment, allowed me to come in the next evening and take the final 6 weeks early, then skip the remainder of the class. I passed the final and got an A in the class.

BlogDog said...

As Bill Clinton once said, "Let me show you mah 'internal pool.'"

BlogDog said...

Dammit! That's "internal poll"

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, but it sounded like "pool" when he said it.

Anonymous said...

Or was it "intern pool"?

( verification word: mingsx )

Anonymous said...

I started out life as a university math prof and have to agree completely with the first comment.

A short clip from the brilliant UK comedy series Yes Minister proves the point:

"Opinion polls are not designed to measure public opinion, they're designed to shape it." Peter Hitchens

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