Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain bites McCain

Petard Hoisting
Now that the Presidential Debates are over, McCain's only chance to advance his cause is mostly dependent on the media reporting issues he raises on the stump.  Ha-Freaking-Ha.   But, and this really is delicious irony,  John McCain is solely responsible for my being stopped from placing ads on cable television that document  Obama lies, Obama's citizenship question; Obama's ties to leftist terrorists; Obama thug tactics; Obama's ties to ACORN, etc. 


McCain's own attack on the First Amendment, codified by the McCain-Feingold Finance Law, proscribes "... 60 days before a general election ... appeals to vote for or against a specific candidate.”  - except, if my interpretation of the SCOTUS ruling is correct, if those "television advertisements (are)paid from corporate or union treasuries." )

That aside, I've included this Debate #3 clip of McCain correctly charging Obama with lies and duplicity in his own campaign finance promises.  I thought it was a rare public insight into who Obama is.  A liar, through-and-through.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Rodge, this is just fucking brilliant! Here's $100.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Good Lord! Just Great! Here's $200.

Anonymous said...

Also, look at 11:20 minutes in the YouTube video

During the question why is your economic plan better than your opponents, Obama states he is willing to pay more taxes. Isn't that wonderful! I wonder if he is paying more right now?


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