
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Don't joke about the blow gun. Ordered it out of Boys Life in the '70's. It's on par with the post Vietnam War M-16 I was issued. Only with the 16 you can't make ammo out of your Mom's crappy costume jewlery.
I have one of the blow guns.
Who was joking?
check out the reCon175. Sends a tingle up my leg...
Most of the bulk ammo at cabelas is backordered. Did pick up some 30-30 for the Marlin levergun.
Guess I should've gotten a crossbow and blowgun.
Your right, SOG.
The other day, saw sumfin on SondraK, about everyone should have brass knuckles close by. Occurred to me I already broke my hand twice, mebbe these will prevent the third time. Plus, unlike the voters for Obama, I can afford a few, umm, interesting items. So this showed up today:
Brass Knuckles Buy Real BR1 1 12.95 Metal = Solid_Brass
Combat Folder Knife 210724 1 10.95
Night Watchman Baton K1094 1 21.47
Fox Labs Pepper Spray, FX2FT-HM 1 14.49 Options = FlipTopStream
Hottest and Best: Fox
Pepper Spray
Big Jammer Door Brace Bar 80115 1 17.95
- Mace #80115
Book Light LED and Laser LP635 1 5.95
Flexible Neck
Inova X1 2007 (old) Model X1MT-WT 1 14.95 Model: = GreenLed_TitaniumCase
Dynamo Rechargeable Radio R-3582 1 18.97
Turing word: haffelf
Blow guns, brass knucks?? WTF Guys, We have multiple magazine fed items for those problems. Or, you SHOULD have multiple magazine fed items:-)
Sometimes, boys and girls, you want quiet. Sentry removal is much better done with something that doesn't go "BANG", just "twang". Or "thwip".
Well, I have a 40 S&W at hand but I think the suggestion making the rounds to keep your remote car device by your bed is a good one. In my neighborhood the horn would really get attention.