Friday, October 17, 2008


It's about come to this

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court is siding with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations.

The justices on Friday overruled a federal appeals court that had ordered Ohio's top elections official to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, faced a deadline of Friday to set up a system to provide local officials with names of newly registered voters whose driver's license numbers or Social Security numbers on voter registration forms don't match records in other government databases.

Ohio Republicans contended the information for counties would help prevent fraud. Brunner said the GOP is trying to disenfranchise voters.

This blows my mind.  If this was a decision by Liberal Justice John Paul  Stevens, the appointed Sixth Circuit  appeal justice, it makes some sense, and even predictable.  If it's  a decision of the whole court, WTF?  It seems a bit late in the game to resubscribe to federalism's hands-off-the-states convention.  RIP United States. Prolly need to burn everything down and start over. 


Anonymous said...

I imagine the conservative four voted with Federalism per their understanding of Founders' intent, but the others went states' rights because it suits their agenda in this instance.
Brunner is a willing accomplice in massive vote fraud, and I hope that is a felony at that magnitude.

A photo ID at the polling place is too much to ask, even though voting is not a Constitutional right, but it's OK to require one at a payday loan shop?

I hate the Left.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

OregonGuy said...

Slip decision here: (pdf)

It begs the question, if private parties don't have standing, what public body would have standing? Does a county clerk need to sue the Secretary of State?

"We express no opinion on the question whether HAVA is being properly implemented."

Title 42, Section 15483 can be found here:

There are plenty of questions unanswered. But looking to our national legislature to fix this seems a bit naive, no?

Anonymous said...

So ... when does GWB get off his ass and have the FBI act?

If not him ... then who has standing here to act?

Anonymous said...

Note to self: cuchieddie, don't forget to buy that 9mm tomorrow and extra ammo for the Mossberg.

Scottiebill said...

Oregon guy: You Oregonians have the same problem in Bill Bradbury as Ohio has with Jennifer Brunner, a SecState who cares not one solitary damn about the election laws, of running a legal and fraud-free election as long as anyone and everyone is allowed to vote, regardless of their eligibility, legal status as a citizen, age, or how many times they have registered to vote.

I am in Vancouver USA and read the Oregonian every day, holding my nose, of course. But Bradbury can be forgiven of his lack of oversight in the state election laws, because he is busy running around the country, at Oregon's expense, currying favor with AlGore and the global warming bulls**t. If AlGore ever turns around real quick, Bradbury would get his neck broken.

OregonGuy said...

Hit this link:

and then "ctrl+f" to search for "enforcement".

Under HAVA, your looking at Title IV, Section 401 and 402.

Apparently, Mike Mukasey doesn't read any newspapers, so is unaware that his office is responsible for enforcement.

If you know Mike, let him know that "stuff" is happening. Mebbe it'll work, mebbe not.

Anonymous said...

Stack it deep and buy it cheap.

Anonymous said...

I'm scared folks...these aren't the nice fluffy socialists like they have in Canada. These are the rabid, foam slathered commies hiding behind socialism that are more likely to kick in your door and shoot you because you own a gun and then claim you were a subversive. If they take the white house and gain super majorities in the house and senate they will simply vote themselves all the power they want and make sure the only party is theirs. How in the hell do you form a revolution then? Everytime 2 people get together you'll have to figure out which one is KGB. Think I'm joking? Ask a Russian.

Somebody tell me I'm just paranoid and that it's not really that bad.


Anonymous said...

Scottie's right about Bradbury. I guess I was niaive enough to believe what was going on here, aside from being unconscionable, was also illegal.

Anonymous said...

You can leave Ohio to me folks, it's under control.

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved."

-- Sun Tzu

Anonymous said...

Please, no one is going to do anything, you are all going to stick out your chests and scream and shout about doing something, but when it comes down to it you will sit back an watch it happen.

Jim said...

I disagree...There are a lot of old-timers like me that have had a long and good life and as the end nears, would rather go down trying to save this country for our grandchildren than just fade away. There may not be enough of us to finish the fight, but it won't take many to get it started.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right next to you Jim

maybe in front

Anonymous said...

What Jim said.

Anonymous said...

I will believe it when I see it.

Anonymous said...

No one knows for sure what they will do when it becomes crunch time until it becomes crunch time.

I would suggest you make a point of running towards trouble now ... so the habit will be ingrained when that time comes.

It takes about 50 reps to learn to do something right, and almost 5000 reps to unlearn something done wrong. Start early.

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