scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, October 31, 2008
Threatens civil war
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- gregor said...
when he runs out of ammo, does he intend to tickle them to death with that feather duster?
seriously, no one from my family is going anywhere near any urban areas starting Tuesday next week. mister 12 gauge is loaded and by the door.
and I'll be carrying while I'm home or on my property. -
10/31/08, 9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Yessir, Rabbi Mossberg will be clean, stoked with 3in. "00" buck and, given the neighborhood in which we live, there will be a large calibre handgun on my person at all times.
Downtown is now off limits, as is the corridor north and south of I-70 from the I-25 interchange east to the airport.
Torrington, Wyoming is looking better every day.
-Sven in Colorado -
10/31/08, 9:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Going into the shithole to vote early today and that'll be it for a bit. If some bangers want to come up to Golden and start some trouble, well c'mon. Says a lot about Obama and his supporters.
I saw that article several days ago and the comments were priceless.
MM -
10/31/08, 10:21 AM
Anonymous said...
If we do have another civil war, we will win this time.
Erica's brain turned to mush after she introduced us to the "zipless f***"
If we want to see Broadway plays, we can travel to your social democracy, and if you want to experience an occasional breath of freedom, you can visit us. -
10/31/08, 10:21 AM
Anonymous said...
I have joined AA-Always Armed. My back is always to the wall. The code for the day is always yellow. Let the good times roll.
10/31/08, 10:54 AM
Anonymous said...
As I remember the Civil War also had its combatants dressed in distinctive uniforms to separate themselves from civilians. These people are threatening nothing more than utter savage chaos.
I don't know...will liberals now concede that some of their leaders are anti-American? -
10/31/08, 11:34 AM
Anonymous said...
The Problem: I was taught to eat what I kill.
The Solution: Chimichuri. -
10/31/08, 11:37 AM
- gregor said...
anyone pointing a weapon of any sort in the direction of my person, my family or my home is an enemy, unless they are in a verifiable Armed Services or Law Enforcement uniform and then they better identify themselves fast and clearly.
I doubt anyone wanting trouble would get very far down my semi-rural road. All our neighbors are hunters and farmers... I fear for the folks in the bedroom communities that surround us, though. -
10/31/08, 11:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Threatening civil war and violence if your guy loses is sedition.
—DougM -
10/31/08, 12:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Gregor: half those households are armed.
Don't worry about it ... if they riot, they will burn their own neighborhoods, and they might kill a few unarmed folks that have the poor luck or judgment to be driving through.
Home owners and shopkeepers will just shoot their dumb asses if they try to do more than soil their own bedding.
I don't think anything is going to happen ... that we won't see troops n the streets until Nov. 11 ... Veterans day. -
10/31/08, 12:15 PM
Anonymous said...
That's okay. We conservatives are the ones with the deer rifles.
10/31/08, 12:42 PM
- Juice said...
The real story here is how the Left portrays and believes blacks to behave as rabid, uncontrollable animals. And yet, they continue to vote for the very ones who corralled them into projects in the first place and continue to toss them the crumbs for loyalty. Unfreakingbelievable.
10/31/08, 12:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Those useless leftwing bastards promised to move to Canada last time and the fecal factories are still here.
Tim -
10/31/08, 12:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Kristopher, I hope you are being sarcastic. If not you are very naive. I hope for your safety and your loved ones you don't live in a major rural area. With that kind of thinking you may get caught in a situation and your last thought will be I can't believe people can do this to each other. Well brother I have worked on a fire truck/ Ambulance in a housing project for 10 plus years. YES THEY CAN AND YES THEY WILL.
Spanky -
10/31/08, 4:29 PM
Anonymous said...
correction to last post Urban area
PS... everyone that reads my posts knows I cant write worth a darn. Please forgive this old dumb under educated country-boy. Its the effort that counts.I hope
Spanky -
10/31/08, 4:55 PM
- rockville said...
I expect it to be like when certain sports teams play a big game. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose; their fans will riot for either.
If we don't have a winner by Wednesday morning, you can expect ongoing sometimes-violent "protests" driven by the sorts of lies we were hearing in 2000.
Not much I can add to what the fine folks above suggested already. Be ready. Be vigilant. I might add: be proactive. If the cops are busy, you might need to disperse the rioters yourself. It's probably better to do this before they achieve critical mass and start the smashing and looting.
The Israelis have recently begun deploying some foul-smelling stuff to disperse crowds. Good idea. Ammonia would probably work in a pinch. You just need a means of delivery. Water balloons? Super Soakers? -
10/31/08, 5:21 PM
- rockville said...
p.s. I forgot Pepper Spray. It's basically tear gas in a spray can. See if you can find the big cans they call Bear Spray. Watch out for shifting winds.
10/31/08, 6:37 PM
- gregor said...
it's virtually impossible to get mace or pepper spray in jersey. when my daughter's lived and went to college in philly, i gave them water pistols to carry, filled with ammonia. also squirt bottles of fox urine i picked up at a hunting place in town. both came in handy.
10/31/08, 10:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Juice summed up nicely.
I took Wednesday off from work, there is no way I'm heading into downtown Miami the day after the election, the only way in is through the hood.
I'm stocked up and ready to hunker down for a bit. -
11/1/08, 9:38 AM
Anonymous said...
Spanky: I am well armed, and I live in a rural area ... I commute to a job in the industrial outskirts of a city.
So ... if what you fear happens, I am in no real danger.
That being said ... I still think you folks are all being wrong here. If any rioting happens, It will happen in the usual overpopulated urban crap-holes ... but I don't think it is going to happen.
These riot threats are being made by race baiters and leftard twinkies ... they don't have the ability to start flash riots. -
11/1/08, 11:46 PM