Thursday, November 13, 2008


Remember the age of innocence when Rush Limbaugh  developed a Clinton Campaign Promise scorecard?   I received mine with a subscription to the Limbaugh Letter. The idea was that documenting broken promises would limit Slick to one term. What a hoot.  Some of you will remember this (H/T Sweetness and Light)

Sound vaguely familiar? Heh. Did we get that tax cut?  Hell no.  What we did get was the biggest tax increase in American history.  And to rub salt in the wound, Clinton made it retroactive to Jan. 1, 1993.  Sixteen years later ... this.

Al doesn't pay tax as it is

Guess what

Public seems willing to wait on tax cuts

As Sarah Palin observed, "Isn't it nice to have a pet newspaper?"  Or, in Obama's case, pet media.  So this is how the next four years will be.  Obama's W.H. will confab with Obama's media over planned, unpopular whatever, and the media will precondition us to beg for it! 

A new public opinion must be created privately and unobtrusively. The existing one is maintained by the press, by propaganda, by organization, and by financial and other influences which are at its disposal. The unnatural way of spreading ideas must be opposed by the natural one, which goes from man to man and relies solely on the truth of the thoughts and the hearer's receptiveness for new truth.
Albert Schweitzer


Anonymous said...

And I do love it when the media does a new "poll." mary

Anonymous said...

Fix the economy?? I'll tell ya booby, we are in very dark waters and absolutely no one is addressing some huge MoFoing gorillas that are going to wring our necks.

First of all, these idiots have printed almost $5T in the past few months! All they have done is push back collapses. Instead of taking our medicine now, it's the same old game of kick the can down the road. it's funny though, even with YouTube evidence of economic malfeasance, all I see is a collective fuckit. This alone is going to shoot interest rates and inflation through the roof by the end of next year or early 2010-and I used to laugh at my mother during Carter when she loved her money in CDs making over 20%(I think). Hell next year's deficit is going to be an all timer, now estimated at between $1-1.5T!!! And the fucking dems are saying, now is not the time to worry about deficit spending-SO IT MIGHT GO MUCH HIGHER-it's money from a hat. And Obama is proposing tax increases! Good luck with that pal.

But even this Mona Lisa of economic moronity pales, yes PALES in comparison to the checks we've been writing. Right now, this minute, there are unfunded liabilities of over $60T!!!!! that are due the recipients of SS and MediCare. I know, wow MM that's a big number, I guess even if I wrote out all the zeros, you'd still be unimpressed.

$60T is more then the value of every company on every stock exchange on earth. Or if the US government owned every square inch of real estate and sold it, they would still come up short on paying this tab. And we've promised to come up with this amount of money to pay the biggest Ponzi scheme in history and a huge population of senior's health care costs. It is going to require massive tax increases and substantial benefit reductions just to keep up a facade of these programs. And when I talk about tax increases, I mean a FICA tax that is now 12.4% will have to increase to over 50%. Let me ask you, would you pay that? I wouldn't. We are going to turn into a nation of tax cheats, just like Europe.

Did you hear one effing oink from anyone? Besides Fred. Nope. Hear anything now? Nope. Unbelievably, dems are already out of the box pushing universal health care and other social programs. There is such a disconnect, I feel like I'm in another dimension.

We have huge problems with Russia, the Chinese turning out super quiet subs like sausages, Congress refusing to move realistically towards a domestic energy supply and a GD media that is about as useless as you could ever imagine.

And Barack Obama is president? Remember in The Thing when they see the guy's head scurry off on the legs of a giant spider and the guy says, "You gotta be fucking kidding me" Well that's me now.

Anonymous said...

This worrying and fretting is getting me down...Think I'll pop open a can of PUSSY and relax.

Anonymous said...

MM, let me put another brick in your pack. You forgot to mention that consumer spending is no longer funded by home equity lines of credit, sooooooo, that engine on the right wing of the economy has blown a rod. Better feather the prop, and see if we have enough power to glide to the channel. Throw out anything that isn't nailed down.


Anonymous said...

"I feel like I'm in another dimension."


OregonGuy said...

I've been living in a socialist-workers' paradise for years.

While I don't like it, it seems to be quite popular.

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