scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Is there a link to the entire piece?
MCPO, yes. The first word (Epaminondas) of the post is a linky although its not working for me (timeout).
The URL isn't working for me because the site uses a non-standard port (8081) which my firewall is blocking.
[Villagers with Torches] is also linked.
My blood pressure drops as I read this. I am heartened by one very large difference that Europe did not have. Rednecks. I am one, from the sticks of Oklahoma. Now living on the east coast.
I am heartened because I know those red states will rise up against this pretty quickly. They will not allow their guns to be taken. They have the food, the fuel, the water and the war fighters. Coastal regions be damned, there is a place where you can put your back to the wall and overcome this. Both coast together couldn't even whip Texas.
As Mr. Daniels said "Be proud you're a rebel, cause the Souths gonna do it again".
You're a redneck? Sorry. The term is already used to name a willfully stupid, obnoxious, bigoted, bible thumping, banjo strumming, shotgun toting, incestuous hick with greasy hair, poor dental hygiene and a pickup truck from the Southern parts of the U.S. Unless you meet these requirements then you are not licensed to call yourself a redneck.
Seriously, the word is just one rung up the evolutionary ladder from "KKK". It's a term of ridicule used against militantly anti-intellectual Cleetuses. Don't you have something better?
Fierce yuppy, my teeth are excellent. Don't get too hung up on labels.
It is surprising how on the same evidence, one moment I can see a communist (former relations, family, mentors) and in the next moment I can see a Clinton like unprincipled reach for power on conventional terms (Ron E. and other early appointments, transition team). I gues this is just another instance of BHO being a blank slate upon which one must project his own desires (fears),
How about a Bitter Clinger :-)
I was gonna name a new power boat "Redneck Nirvana" I ran the name by a few friends, the reaction were so varied, I turned it into a game. I was as bemused by the nose in the air types that were SO disdainful of the mention of "redneck", as by the folks that said "What's Nirvana mean?"
When Buddhists attain Nirvana they attain a state of emotionless non thought. What is Redneck Nirvana? Cletus on prozium?
Well, I'm a wedneck. And a wobber, and a wapist, too! And I'm afraid I'm probably a step DOWN from the KKK in my social attitudes right now. Damn sorry if that offends, but the article reflects the views of myself and many of my more gainfully employed, heavily armed friends. -Vice Sgt Boone.
Just remember, we good-old-boys own all the deer rifles and pump shotguns. All of them.
I pray he's wrong too. I shudder to think what might happen if he's right.
Fierce Guppy, if you check back to see the responses garnered by your comment, I'm not only a redneck, I'm a hillbilly too. When I'm in CONUS I drive an old pickup truck. My daddy raced dirt track with Lee Petty, Junior Johnson and Curtis Turner. I can tell you how to dress out a deer, skin a squirrel or butcher a hog. Or, if you prefer, I can explain how a nuclear reactor works or discuss non Euclidian geometry. I also have a JD and a couple of other degrees after my name. I paid for'em with the GI Bill, mining coal and working in a rock quarry.
For the sake of civil discourse I'll assume that you developed your idea of who we are from watching Deliverance and reruns of the Dukes of Hazard.
If you're not too hung up on labels, and would like to understand who we really are, I'd suggest a book authored by another hillbilly, titled Born Fighting. If you don't want to read a book by a redneck/hillbilly, he's also an Emmy award winner and the former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Navy.