scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Well said sir, but I am not depressed. I am confident that we will win out.
The problem, dear Sir, is that certain things that have been proposed for our future have greatly enhanced likelyhood.
Unwilling to kill the goose that lays the Golden Egg, Democrats are willing to play sex games with the system, choking the neck of the goose to enhance their orgasms.
Will they step back from the brink? (Brink? What brink?)
It happened like this: voter stupids content to be spoon fed pseudo news, followed by intravenous deserts consisting of zero calorie non-information.
Rodger, can you find yourself some RFD TV?
Yeah yeah, I'm depressed too, same reasons. Tough shit for me and tough shit for all of us. Seems like there's no shortage of advice every one is giving us, especially the libs who are telling us we must "move to the center" I call horsepoopy on that. I say Rog, it's time to double down. No one can out work me and I'm not going to go silently into the night.
Even as we speak, a secret cadre of like minded Republicans plan to take matters into our own hands here in District 7-our last showing was pitiful and I refuse to cede this district to the enemy.
I think Obama is a sharp guy. Time will tell of course but this reminds of the dog who finally did catch the car. Is he so far removed from reality that he will in fact raise tax rates? I don't think so, at least not for a while. Will he pull out of Iraq totally? Not a chance. How about his face to face with the Iranians? After Israel makes toast of a large swath of Iran? Hmmm probably not. But passing out some more goodies when Barney Frank has already said "Deficit? We don need no stinkin' spending restraints" I'd say that's for sure.
I think our biggest worry, THE tipping point, will be some sort of a government run health care system. And right now, these *ucks have the perfect storm to get the damn thing through Congress. Once they set up some huge governmental bureaucracy to redistribute even more goodies, that will be impossible to take down and then I'll stop being flip.
If we can just hold this off until 2010, maybe we can pull through, but like I say, Obama is a sharp guy and will move to make the dem base as large as possible as quickly as possible and National Health Care is quite the bill filler.
In the meantime, I am going to start printing some sort of flyer up, maybe weekly, with my thoughts and sticking it under car windshields ala Publius(if you'll forgive the effrontery of that comparison)
An ottoman, stiff drink and this...
Lengthy rant
Annoyed White Male
I empathize, trying to get over it.
THIS cheered me up:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2008/11/21/palin-conducts-tv-interview-turkey-slaughtered/
If you look at it closely, Sarah is blinking out Morse code that says "Katie Couric, your next."
I'm most concerned about the patriot act, FISA, Real ID being subverted.
My take is to go underground and be pamphleting for the repeal of those acts, terrorists be damned, so his own legions chip away at the power base, unintentionally, as an extension of their bush hatred.
Hey, I wanted it to go the other way; I even gave money to McLame.
But there are more important things in life. Throughout history, people have managed to lead happy productive lives despite living under oppressive regimes.
And I find drinking helps...
My biggest concern is the civilian army "the one" wants to fund with tax dollars and fill the ranks with folks who deserve the "jobs" because of reparations. Oh yea its coming the ranks will be filled with those that are unemployed. You saw the black panthers at the polling station in Philadelphia. In the next election there will be more sence there was no action taken by the authorities Why, fear of political correctness, fear of riots. Things are going to get worse the economy, race riots, the muslim problem. All I can say is hunker down
National Heath Care the Demon-rats power base!!!
What are you smoking?
Canada has it and also a CONSERVATIVE
Government, so you need to breathe in a paper bag for a bit there.
These "Brown Shirts" are something else...
Senator Stevens Update US Federal Witness admits to lying on the stand
As stated, it wasn't so much Obama's election that has me flummoxed, it's how he was shoved down out throats by an in-your-face media, and the cavalier way law enforcement ignored the illegal tactics his organized crime-like machine engaged in, even when they were documented. Our government is systemically corrupt. The media, no better than a Soviet style propaganda tool. See this → . dot? On the chance it's the button that will blow them all to hell, I push it 50 times a day.
Roger been pushing that dot all day.
Be of good cheer, Rodger. The first American revolution was fought by able bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60. I've still got 10 years to go, and I'm starting to wonder if my life's calling is to help put this great nation back on track. I'm ready, willing, and able. God bless America, land (and ideals) that I love.