Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rat List

Right-Of-Center Bloggers Rats Rate

Right Wing News did his Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select Their Least Favorite People On The Right  for 2008.

Hard to quibble much with the list, but I'll try.  Scott McClellan, Lincoln Chafee, and arguably Andrew Sullivan left the Republican Party before 2008, to join David Brock's  "I Just Wanna Be Loved By The NYT Club."  Who in hell considered Chafee one in the first place?  

Every time one of these lists surfaces I ask why Ann Coulter was selected?  Since nobody has answered, I'll guess it's because, like me, she thinks  elected democrats are filthy c**suckers, and says it.  Unlike me, I've never seen Coulter proved wrong on a substantive statement.  Ever. The departing Rep. Chris Shays, and ratbastard Rep. Wayne Gilchrest replace Coulter and Michael Savage on my list. Which makes mine the winner. *manly blush*
25) "McCain Staffers" (5)
25) Mitch McConnell (5)
25) Hank Paulson (5)
24) Scott McClellan (6)
21) George Bush (7)
21) Lincoln Chafee (7)
21) Mitt Romney (7)
20) Olympia Snowe (8)
16) Ann Coulter (9)
16) Bill O'Reilly (9)
16) Andrew Sullivan (9)
16) George Will (9)
13) Christopher Buckley (10)
13) Kathleen Parker (10)
13) Michael Savage (10)
11) David Brooks (11)
11) Lindsay Graham (11)
10) Arnold Schwarzenegger (12)
7) Mike Huckabee (13)
7) Pat Buchanan (13)
7) Ron Paul (13)
6) Chuck Hagel (14)
5) Arlen Specter (15)
4) Colin Powell (17)
3) Peggy Noonan (18)
2) Ted Stevens (19)
1) John McCain (25)

1 comment:

B....... said...

Speaking of the Goddess - she points out that GOP VOTE DECLINES LESS THAN NYT PROFIT.

As an aside, I now know why my bedroom slippers stink - thanks Rodger.

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