scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Rebuild The Party
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Nuke the old guard. start over.
ozaoB -
11/8/08, 10:37 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
My first suggestion is to let Limbaugh organize a committee that vets an all new RNC.
11/8/08, 10:55 PM
Anonymous said...
What Would Ronald Do?
11/8/08, 11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of the suggestions were "moderates" influencing the process. I support the effort but the high vote counts do not look promising
11/8/08, 11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
I looked and "voted" on one of the obvious ones, then it demanded I sign up. Imagine the nerve! Requiring registration to vote! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
The whole exercise is pretty stupid. What the Repubs need to do is simple: oppose Democrats instead of working with them, and speak, act, and vote like Regan.
Annoyed White Male -
11/8/08, 11:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Next time, nominate a shallow but charismatic candidate who makes blatantly unkeepable promises and spouts empty platitudes such as "Yes we can" and "Change you can believe in".
Then count upon the news media to go in the tank for him/her.
That second one could be tough. -
11/9/08, 12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
What AO said. Never, ever reach across the aisle if the issue and the Dem position is not a truly conservative one. They'll cut your arm off, beat you with it and then shove it up your ass. This is political war, folks, and most of the Republican leadership has been treating it as though it were a disagreement over the best Scotch between two old boys at the men's club. "Let's retire to the bar and discuss it" won't work if Rahm & friends are jamming a knife into your back and your values and screaming die die die die..... This has been going on since FDR, and once a postion is lost, a bureaucracy formed, it's nigh impossible to get it back. We've been called 'mean-spirited' for years now; we may as well earn it and get some results.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/9/08, 12:30 AM
Anonymous said...
AO and Tailgunner
Yep.. We need Winston Churchill right now, Not Neville Spinless Chamberlain.
bullseye -
11/9/08, 8:33 AM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Um, I think y'all mean AWM. I'm A1 or AO as some prefer.
11/9/08, 8:37 AM
Anonymous said...
How about holding people responsible. When the housing market sank every republicans should have been out there showing, and PROVING, how the democrats created the mess.
11/9/08, 10:32 AM
- cmblake6 said...
What AWM said. AND the "anonymous" posts directly above this. FIGHT!
11/9/08, 12:10 PM
Anonymous said...
"Um, I think y'all mean AWM. I'm A1 or AO as some prefer." Indeed. I was looking up and down trying to find where Annoyed One had posted.
This is why Sarah scares the shirt out of them and why they must destroy her. She gets it.
GrinfilledCelt -
11/9/08, 12:38 PM