My favorite, by far, of the PUMA bloggers is Texas Darlin'.
There is an ocean named Hillary between us, but I admire her integrity,
her passion, and skill. Alone among the PUMAS I've followed
during the lead-up to Obama's Assumption Into The Oval, TD did not go into full Obama swoon when he picked HRC AWK! for Sec./State. Now, her derogation [An Institution Dies] over the putrid media corpse lying before us pulls all the right triggers.
Now? The reporters are now lining up to confess failure? How pathetic.
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Indeed. A very nicely packaged summation, that, of what several dozen
million of us believe. Okay, her observations, while generally spot-on,
do include "had these hacks performed merely 25% of what they should have, the
outcome of this election would likely have been quite different."
Ahem. Echoes my very thoughts in 1992, and 1996. But, I'm looking
for common ground here. And, on the subject of Obama's in-your-face
recalcitrance over the circumstances of his birth, and those helping
him, we have plenty to agree over.
And still, they — the Mainstream Media — don’t have the grit or integrity to fulfill their duty.
Still, they don’t.
Because as I write this, the United States Supreme Court has granted
a full conference to a regular citizen named Leo Donofrio, on the issue
of Barack Obama’s status as a natural-born citizen. I’m told that the
US Supreme Court has not granted such a full conference for any matter
in 3 decades.

— the very fact that a full conference has been granted — is
newsworthy. Right? Even downright historic. Yes, it is, which is why we
the bloggers are unsurprised that no one in the Mainstream Media, not
one reputable journalist or organization, has reported the story.
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With deference to those who think this was about denying Obama the
presidency, it was ... but not for the apparent reason. Here's Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of The New Media Journal.
no mistake. I do not support Barack Obama in his quest for the
presidency. I find his political ideology to embrace a one-world
ideology borrowing heavily from the Marxist-Leninist dogma. But, if in
fact he is a legal and naturally born citizen of the United States of
America, if he thoroughly satisfies the requirements as set forth in
Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, then I will
defend his right to be placed on ballots across our nation. My concern
is not partisan, it is constitutional.
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Salvato does yeoman like work trying to answer the question, "what entity requires proof be filed of a
candidate’s satisfaction of the constitutional requirements needed
to become President of the United States?" The answer, apparently, is "NONE."
Here's Joan Swirsky, who like ( hopefully at this point) any
American with a brain stem, agrees that there is something way more
than just "fishy" about this.
I’ve [Joan Swirsky]
written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of
articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy
theories. But the case of the U.S. media’s complete non-coverage of
this major story has gotten me to speculate on what – or who – may be
behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence
our country’s putative guardians of free speech – the titans of the
Fourth Estate? [The Great Birth Certificate Scandal-Cover-Up of the 2008 Election]
Swirsky does us a service by
collecting a "partial list of people and organizations that have
challenged Obama’s eligibility," and their fates. I don't
subscribe to her "nuclear blackmail" theory, but can't come up with
anything better, other than to say it was very, very important,
to a good many very powerful people, that the Kenyan Cipher be elected
president. I'm not hopeful about having this resolved, either. As
with Vince Foster, when the full government and media collaborate on
silence, there's silence. It does give us moral standing to burn things
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