Thursday, November 13, 2008

Suppose Commies took over?

A Novel Idea
Need help with chapter two.

Moscow Trials?
Been hearing unattributable talk that to deflect from Obama's inability to deliver on his promises, or do much of anything with the economy,  Democrats will divert attention the old fashioned way.  Moscow Trials.  The machinery is supposedly in motion to drag the entire Bush administration before congressional inquisitions.  If you think there's raw  feelings now between the Obama left and constitutional Americans, you ain't seen nothing yet.  It also looks like Democrats Dodd, Frank, et al, will escape scrutiny for their major role in the subprime disaster.  Sweet being a Democrat these days. eh wot? [October 6, 2008]
It's about to become attributable.  This on Drudge.
Democrats prepare to move forward with investigations of the Bush administration... Developing...
Waxman, and some of the other Dem radicals  were promising this prior to the 2006 elections, but when it became a campaign issue Pelosi was forced to foreswear it.  By September 2, of this year however, Joe Biden was feeling his oats.
Looking to the future but with one eye on the past, Biden also promised that an Obama-Biden government would go through Bush administration data with "a fine-toothed comb" and pursue criminal charges if necessary.

"If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation," he said, "they will be pursued, not out of vengeance, not out of retribution - out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no one, no attorney general, no president, no one is above the law." [Biden Rips Bush Administration]
Now I can't sleep. This Show Trial noise, coupled with today's announcement that Democrats want government ownership of auto makers [DEM PROPOSES FED STAKE IN BIG 3...] cuts it. What's it called when government owns the means of production? 

I'm thinking we can work together on a novel.  My working title is "Nourishing A Really Big Tree." About a government that's overthrown by Marxist revolutionaries. Perhaps some of you have thoughts on  Chapter Two.  That's where an aroused citizenry takes things into their own hands.  Is it spontaneous, or is there some coordinated  planning?  How?  What about the military?  Stuff like that.  We're ever mindful, of course, that in real life the appropriate response is to complain to our congress person.  This is just like a Tom Clancy thing.


rockville said...

By virtue of presidential pardons, anyone can be above the law.

Just ask Marc Rich.

Anonymous said...

Spontaneity. Democrats indict Gen. Petraeus for war crimes, and in a heartbeat the Capitol is surrounded by Abrams Tanks and 6,000 troops. Chapter Three is up to you.

sleepless in seattle

Anonymous said...

Sleepless - make that 60,000 troops. Lots of house cleaning to do there. Senate cleaning too.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Soldier on the left looks like Eric Idle.


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