Thursday, November 13, 2008

Taliban Belly Laugh

Greatest display of chutzpah since democrats appointed Dodd and Franks to save the economy.

Execution Happy Taliban
Afghanistan's Taliban, notorious for summary public executions, urged the United Nations on Thursday to press the Afghan government to stop executing prisoners on death row, citing concern about fair trials.

Afghanistan resumed executions this week after a break of more than a year, with three Taliban sentenced for deadly attacks among nine people put to death in the past few days.

Those executions followed a public outcry over rising crime. [Reuters]


Anonymous said...

Taliban dancing at the end of a rope? Rog, you always know how to make me feel good.


Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

They hung Santa Claus? Bastards.
Roger, can you step in and deliver Christmas presents with the B-52?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they got that Bastard. I never did get that pony.


Anonymous said...

I love a happy ending

Anonymous said...

Didja see the author was all concerned about the rising crime rate as security decreased with the ouster of the Taliban?

Same journalistic integrity as the NYFT.

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