Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Pardoning the Turkey?  WTF?
In retrospect we've had oh-so-many signs, over the years, that portended the "feel good" style of national leadership that's killing us.  Harry Truman was the first sissy to pardon the stupid turkey, and every president since has followed suit. Feh. Every single one of them then retired to the warmth and comfort of the White House living quarters and ate ... turkey!  This sort of legerdemain has preconditioned too many of us to accept nuisance terrorists, like PeTA, without bashing them about the head.   I want a president who'll ring the phlocker's neck, and suck the bloody stump.  If you think about this, you'll know I'm right.


Anonymous said...

You're wrong, Rodge.
He needs to use a hatchet,
so it can run around for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the more I think about it...
why not do the Barabbas/Jesus thing?
You know... two turkeys. One gets pardoned, and the other gets executed on the spot. You get a life lesson and dinner in one gesture.

Anonymous said...

For eight years, I have refrained (for the most part) from saying bad about President Bush.
When he pardons tax cheats and drug dealers and turkeys, but not the Border Patrol Agents who served their country and their fellow citizens ('fess up: who wouldn't take the chance to shoot a drug runner in the a-s if they had the opportunity,) that tears it!

Good-bye George! Cut yourself a big hunk of curl up and dissappear, and just go away!

Anonymous said...

But least he pardoned the Anglo turkey.....

Anonymous said...

Andy Jackson killed his own turkey for Thanksgiving. Beat a would be assassin almost to death, and said the one thing in life he regretted most was not killing his vice President. And his Parrot cursed at his funeral. Now thats a President we can believe in.


Molly said...

I think the reason why you get pardons is because you have a bunch of dudes in the office. You get Sarah Palin, she'll kill, field dress it and cook it for the fam.

Anonymous said...

Bush is a MFCS!!!!! Changed my mind on this POS president.

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