Monday, November 10, 2008

Watch the spinning circle

Daddy, Are We Almost There?
Almost Dear

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.  But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Norman Thomas
U.S. Socialist Party
Presidential candidate 1940
“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”

- Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

Barking Moonbat
Obama, Inc
We have here dueling post-election autopsies.

Antisocial Conservatives

By W. James Antle, III
 'Center-right' America lurches further left

Mark Steyn:

In truth, there is very little evidence that the country has moved left on social issues since 2004, when values voters were said to decide the presidential election. Polls have been shifting somewhat more pro-life since the mid-1990s. Even leftward movement on same-sex marriage, which has gone from being unthinkable in the early '90s to a live issue today, seems to have stalled around late 2003. Republicans emphasized their social conservatism much more in 2004, when they won, than during their losing campaigns of 2006 and 2008.
My Republican friends are now saying, oh, not to worry, look at the exit polls, this is still a "center-right" country. Americans didn't vote to go left, they voted to go cool. It was a "Dancing With The Stars" election: Obama's a star, and everyone wants to dance with him. It doesn't mean they're suddenly gung-ho for left-wingery.

Up to a point.
W. James Antle, III (whoever he is) gravitates toward the David Frum camp's solution, "Republicans should now embrace "a future that is less overtly religious, less negligent with policy, and less polarizing on social issues," a move that will "involve painful change" on such issues as abortion."  Also known as the "what do Frank Luntz's focus groups say?" method of social pandering.  Poop. The  "overtly religious" values that so bother these party intellectuals, are values embraced by even those of us who are non-religious  -- because they happen to represent core conservative values.

Mark Steyn, who actually understands, and lives conservatism, recognizes the real problem that faces us, and by "us" I mean all Americans.

The president-elect's so-called "tax cut" will absolve 48 percent of Americans from paying any federal income tax at all, while those who are left will pay more. Just under half the population will be, as Daniel Henninger pointed out in The Wall Street Journal, on the dole.

The successor to the failed RNC formula, that has been leading us into the jaws of defeat for a dozen years, had better go back to acting out of principle in all matters, regardless of what a Luntz focus group dictates. In fact, quit using focus groups entirely. Give no quarter, and ask none. Begin by moving every resource they have into ACORN infested Minnesota, where Democrats are poised to steal Norm Coleman's Senate seat, using the Christine Gregoire method of "finding lost ballots" until she won. . Things have slipped so far that it may be impossible to restore our democracy, but keeping 100+ million of us together with focused, principled goals will make it possible to do this
Don't Tread On USA
, when necessary. Say Amen.


SoylentGreen said...

RE: Mark Steyn's statement that, "Americans didn't vote to go left, they voted to go cool." Remember too - the "left" that Americans voted for was extremely misrepresented to all but a small group of political junkies that understood the Marxist-Leninist underpinnings of the Democratic leaders at this juncture. Americans do NOT realize how left they just voted. They actually believe they voted for another reasonable guy - (albeit one with a lot of charisma).

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The key though is recognizing that nearly 50% of the nation will have no ownership participation in this country. No military service, no taxes, nothing. We are England.

Jim Antle said...

W. James Antle, III (whoever he is) gravitates toward the David Frum camp's solution, "Republicans should now embrace "a future that is less overtly religious, less negligent with policy, and less polarizing on social issues," a move that will "involve painful change" on such issues as abortion."

Actually, I do no such thing. I merely quote Frum writing that. The entire column is a criticism of "the Frum camp's solution," as you put it. You should read more carefully, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic but.....

Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

To quote Benjamin Franklin:

"When the people learn they can vote themselves money that means the end of the Republic."

They've learned.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Why, I am the Real King of France, Jim. And I'm sorry to have misinterpreted your article, but after going back and reading it a second time I'm still .. you know. I'm sure it's that your sword is just too sharp, and my wit too dull- and I mean that without sarcasm. Let's try again the next time.

SoylentGreen said...

Got your point there, Roger. I say we should revert to the Republic as intended by our founding fathers. No property? No vote. Ownership of property implies nothing greater than a future-looking perspective. Voting too is a future-looking "right". The two go hand-in-hand. Better yet, You don't pay taxes? You don't vote. Simple. But it will never happen without a revolution.

Anonymous said...

In Heinlein's Starship Troopers you were given the title of Citizen and the right to vote only after completing a tour of duty in the military. I don't think that that is a bad idea either.

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter right now if Obama got a majority of votes because the electorate is moving to the left, they voted for the Cool guy, they voted on the basis of race ("it's time we had a black president"), or if they voted for Obama simply because they are too stupid and gullible to know he was feeding them bullshit and telling them it was chocolate?
Either way, he is in and the dismantling of the Republic will proceed. In four years permanent changes to the voting system, packing the Supreme court with socialists, and adding millions more to the dole will guarantee we will never have another fair election for major federal office.


Anonymous said...

After all the freedoms the US Constitutional system establishes, I wish I understood what the appeal of socialism is. Other than it apparently appeals to control freaks.

Understanding that appeal may be key to combating it.


SoylentGreen said...

I believe the appeal of Socialism is this... "You get stuff free!" You and I know that's an ignorant position but who's in charge of education right now?

Anonymous said...

OH Yeah?

Starbucks Profit down 97% Wheeeeee, USA, USA....

Pucker up Ben & Jerry

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