Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yeller Cake

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq
Last major stockpile from Saddam's nuclear efforts arrives in Canada

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

What's now left is the final and complicated push to clean up the remaining radioactive debris at the former Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad — using teams that include Iraqi experts recently trained in the Chernobyl fallout zone in Ukraine.

How did I miss this story?  I'm calling Bull S_it on it, because Saddam didn't have any WMD, or designs to build them. Wait! They must be talking about Duncan Hines Yellow Cake mix.  Yeah, that's it.  No wonder Keith Olbermann didn't spend any time on it.


Anonymous said...

Yep, brought the last load in last summer.


LifeTrek said...

From July 2008, but the story goes back further then that:

Saddam's Yellowcake -- A Fitting Resolution -- To Some A Bridge Too Far

cmblake6 said...

"It doesn't matter WHERE the "yellowcake" uranium came from, only that he had it, he had WMD material, and W was ridden about "No WMDs" by the left. Only that. And the warheads with quantities of nerve agents and biological weaponry. He had the stuff. Period."
I just posted this over there. This is the stone hard fact. He had the stuff. Period, it was there. And W let them keep their stuff up. What he SHOULD have done was walk the lefty media in to the room with it and said "HERE! Now STFU! Her you go!"

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