Frank Blames GOP for Housing Market Collapse |
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Frank Blames GOP for Housing Market Collapse |
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"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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He spent money profligately, money that wasn't his, coerced formerly sound institutions into transactions that brought their ruin and sucked (like that word Barney?) millions of Americans into the vortex, ruining their financial plans laid and worked on over decades. We have video and audio of him over the last eight years, when others raised the alarm, assuring America that all is well, that there is nothing to worry about. Then that turd cannot not even shut his mouth, but pulls this kind of stunt. He is an unrepentant scumbag, a double-talking con man, an amoral cretin, a disgusting human being, and deserves a thorough ball kicking while doing his perp walk.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
The Dumbocrats in Congress, led by the Reid-Pelosi cabal of Congressional anarchists and their willing not-so-useful idiots like Barney Frank, John Kerry-Heinz, Chris Dodd, et al, want to nationalize the automakers. Then will come the health care industry for nationalization if Hillary gets her way. Now Barney "the Weenie" Frank is making rude noises, not unlike a prolonged and rather rank fart, about nationalizing the mortgage lending industry.
Does anyone sense a coming Soviet-type Socialist uprising after January 20?
Hide and watch, folks. It is coming.
OVER regulation is what got us here. The laws passed by a bunch of economic illiterates in Congress (mostly Dems but I blame some dumbass Republicans as well) that FORCED banking institutions to make housing loans to people who couldn't afford $50,000 houses but were allowed to purchase $400,000 houses and then - surprise, surprise - slid into default!
Barney Frank should be locked up in a house for the terminally dangerous and never set free again. He is a bloviating gasbag with the IQ of a house plant!
Mr. Fwank apparently subscribes to the Gov. Blagojevich school of political theater. Someone who makes such brazenly untrue statements that are so easily proven wrong exhibits sociopathic or delusional tendencies. The guy is nuts.
"Someone who makes such brazenly untrue statements that are so easily proven wrong exhibits sociopathic or delusional tendencies. The guy is nuts."
Have you ever tried to prove anything to a leftwingfuckwit? He knows his audience well.
Judge in the Barney "Mad Bitch" Frank case states,"We thought that the raging 'oral diarrhea' was terminal but looks like we'll have to do this gaping asshole ourselves."
Deregulation, riiiight! Because, left to their own devices, bankers will always give all their money away to bums and deadbeats.
There should be a Barney Frank naming convention. Like David Caruso is called "moody carrto top David Caruso" and Tommy Lee is always "troubled rocker Tommy Lee." I propose the name "mushmouthed Sodomite Barney Frank" be used from here on out.
"mushmouthed Sodomite Barney Frank"
You're too kind BlogDog.
Alarmed reporter: Did you just call him "crotchbreathed analyst Barney Frank"?
Me: No, I called him "cockbreathed analist Barney Frank."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
"Big Butt Load Barney"
But Frank wins!
And Republicans do NOTHING.
Barney Frank is, quite simply, a piece of shit. Sadly, this latest bit of stunning baloney will eventually become the "truth," with the help of the MSM.